Support and Safeguarding (mental health)

Support and safeguarding ( mental health adults)

Broad support for mental health

This whole page covers some of the broad support for mental health in adults for all mental health conditions. This includes not just mental health treatments but also support for wellbeing and support on the social side of life.

Adult mental health section

For a summary of the adult mental health section see under


In an emergency if you or someone else has seriously injured themselves, taken an overdose or are on the point of doing so call 999 or go directly to A&E. Other support is provided under



From Patient info
Information on the self-referral process from patient info and what to expect
Refer Yourself for NHS Talking Therapy NHS Self Referral for Talking Therapy (Counselling) | Patient

From Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
Provide direct mental health support without you needing to see your GP. This is a free NHS service to patients over the age of 18, who attend a Buckinghamshire GP.


From Buckinghamshire Mind
Provide a large “database that can be easily searched and navigated so that people with a mental health problem can access the support they need.” Many links will have already been included on this website but you may find some helpful services not included. Buckinghamshire Mind Guide Guides Archive – Bucks Mind



From Anxiety UK
Helpline services: We offer support, advice and information on all anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression conditions Tauk to us – Anxiety UK

From Samaritans
Helpline: “You can get in touch about anything that’s troubling you, no matter how large or small the issue feels. We’re here to listen, no judgement, no pressure, and help you work through what’s on your mind. We’ll never tell you what to do. We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.” How we can help | How Samaritans can help you | Samaritans

From Campaign against living miserably (CALM)
Helpline: “Our helpline is for people in the UK who are down or have hit a wall for any reason, who need to talk or find information and support “Get Help – Campaign Against Living Miserably

From Support line
SupportLine provides a confidential telephone helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue. Contact us: Contact Us

From Sane Line
SANE provides emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including families, friends and carers. Emotional Support

From Mood Swings
Helpline: We can provide information, advice and support on a range of mental health issues which may be of help to you or allow you to be an enabling support to your loved one. Online Support – Moodswings Network

Text service

From Shout
“Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.” Get help Get help – free, 24/7, confidential mental health text support service | Shout 85258

UNDER 25 text service

From The MIX
Get Support: Essential support for under 25s Get Support – The Mix

Information on living with mental illness

From Rethink Mental Illness
“The advice and information service offers practical advice on a wide range of topics such as the mental health act, social care, welfare benefits, and carers rights. We also offer general information on living with mental illness, medication and care.” Looking for advice about mental illness? We can help.


Improving our general wellbeing can help us all, including those who need support with their mental health. There is good evidence for the benefits of exercise and social interactions for mental health. Further information and local support can all be found under

There is also local support for other factors which can impact on mental health including


Long term conditions (such as diabetes, lung and heart conditions) can have an impact on mental health. There is  local support for mental health with long term conditions found under

There is also further information following a cancer diagnosis found under

  • Cancer see the question “How can you cope with cancer?” in the frequently asked questions


Simple explanation why life’s challenges may be important

From Every Mind Matters
NHS website dedicated to mental health
Dealing with life’s challenges Dealing with life’s challenges – Every Mind Matters – NHS

Local and national support for life’s challenges

Some habits can impact mental health including

Present circumstances can be important including

Some events in your life can also impact mental health including

There is support for different patient groups see under
Support for all  this includes as examples

Other issues at home can be important including

Other support can make a difference


Support for safeguarding of adults (stopping both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect) can be found under

Improving overall health and reducing health inequalities

Taking a broad approach to health including, with mental health, can help improve everyone’s health and also reduce local health inequalities.


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