Physical Wellbeing


Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:

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Support with exercise

From Be Healthy Bucks
“is a free health and wellbeing service to help you make simple changes, to start feeling the benefits of a healthy life today”.

local Opportunities for exercise

There is access to various local activities catering for all ages. Just increasing your physical activity from your present baseline is a great start. Before starting any exercise, under the frequently asked questions section, read the guidelines on exercise for each age group and, if relevant to you, the information on safe exercising with a heart condition and on diabetes and exercise. The opportunities include:


From Buckinghamshire Council – Range of activities

  • Active Bucks for adults and children – “a service specifically for Buckinghamshire that aims to help you to be more active by providing somewhere that you can search for activities near you!”. Includes physical activities you can do at home. Active Bucks | Buckinghamshire Council
  • The Buckinghamshire online directory (also accessible from the Active Bucks webpage) provides a large data base of activities, including physical activities many of which are suitable for older people (such as different types of dance and movement classes).  Search using filter “Staying Active” Find activities, groups and services near you | Buckinghamshire Council

From Buckinghamshire Council – Walking groups
Over 60 walks across the county “Volunteer leaders are there to help you walk at your own pace, so there is no need to worry about being left behind, lost or feeling left out.” Simply Walk | Buckinghamshire Council

From Every Body Moves
“Our ambition is to create the UK’s biggest fun and vibrant community for players, parents and coaches to share their experiences of Every Body Moves, and find useful hints, tips and information on what’s happening near you.” Home | Every Body Moves

From Parkrun
“Everyone is welcome at parkrun – whether you walk, jog, run or volunteer. Parkrun is free.” home | parkrun UK
There is likely to be a weekly park run near you in Buckinghamshire or in a neighbouring county.
You can find your local park run events | parkrun UK

From Sport in Mind – Buckinghamshire
“The charity that uses sport and physical activity to improve the lives of people experiencing mental health problems. Venues include Aylesbury Vale, Chiltern & South Bucks district, Wycombe and Milton Keynes. Sport in Mind provide all the equipment, venues, no special clothes are required, and our sessions are FREE.”

From Buckinghamshire Mind
Physical Activity Buckinghamshire Mind – Physical Activity

From the Chiltern Society
Free guided walks, some suitable for whole family (small nominal charge if you do more than 2-3 walks) Free Guided Walks – Chiltern Society

From Visit Buckinghamshire
Sports & Outdoors Attraction – Sports & Outdoors – Visit Buckinghamshire

From Leap
Local disabled people support includes links to local support Disabled People – LEAP

From Every Body Moves
“Every Body Moves is the new way to discover inclusive local opportunities to become more active.” Home | Every Body Moves

From Wheel Power
The national charity for wheelchair sport based at Stoke Mandeville Stadium Home – WheelPower

From Activity Alliance
“The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity” You may be able to find links to other support from local organisations which is added over time.  How to Start Getting Active | Activity Alliance | Disability Inclusion


From Visit Buckinghamshire
Walks and tours Attraction – Walks & Tours – Visit Buckinghamshire

From Walking Britain

From the National Trust 

From the Chiltern Society
Information on walking and cycling, including some free walk leaflets: Free Walks Leaflets Free Walks Leaflets – Chiltern Society

From All Trails
Small charge to download more detailed information
Best Trails in Buckinghamshire Best Trails in Buckinghamshire | AllTrails

From the Woodland Trust
Find woods Find A Wood – Visiting Woods – Woodland Trust

From Buckinghamshire Council


From Buckinghamshire Council

From Visit Buckinghamshire
Activities & Experiences: includes details on some large local parks, many of which are free to access Attraction – Activities & Experiences – Visit Buckinghamshire

Home exercises

From the NHS – Fitness centre
Fitness studio exercise videos Fitness Studio exercise videos – NHS

From Age UK
Physical activity videos to use at home Physical activity videos – Make Your Move | Age UK

From Carers UK
Physical activity and wellbeing videos Physical activity and wellbeing videos | Carers UK

From Better Health NHS
Home workout videos Home workout videos – NHS

From the British Heart Foundation
Get inspiration to stay active while at home Get inspiration to stay active while at home – BHF

Sitting exercises

From the NHS
Sitting exercises Sitting exercises – NHS

Wheelchair users

From the NHS
Fitness advice for wheelchair users Fitness advice for wheelchair users – NHS


From Be Healthy Bucks
Family exercise ideas Family exercise ideas – Be Healthy Bucks

For older people

From the National Institute of Aging
This American government website includes a number of exercises which can be done at home
Four Types of Exercise Can Improve Your Health and Physical Ability Four Types of Exercise Can Improve Your Health and Physical Ability | National Institute on Aging


From Buckinghamshire Council
“With the free BetterPoints app, people in Buckinghamshire can earn vouchers for healthy activities.”

PUBLIC HEALTH Buckinghamshire

From Buckinghamshire Council



From Run Together
Find a run group near you: RunTogether “provides fun, friendly, supportive and inclusive running opportunities for everyone: whatever your ability or time availability.” Find Running Groups & Clubs Near Me | RunTogether



Exercise has many benefits including physical, mental health and potentially social wellbeing:

From the NHS
Benefits of exercise Benefits of exercise – NHS

From Patient info
Exercise and Physical Activity: see under section “What are the health benefits of physical activity?” Physical Activity | Healthy Exercise Advice | Patient

From the British Heart Foundation
Physical inactivity    Physical inactivity | BHF

From Gov UK
Health matters: getting every adult active every day  Health matters: getting every adult active every day – GOV.UK

From the Royal College of General Practitioners
Physical activity resources Physical activity resources: Introduction


From NHS Better Health
Their introductory page links to lots of information to support increased activity and is a good place to start. This includes videos and apps as well.

From the NHS 

From the NHS – Exercise centre
The excellent section on exercise, explains the benefits of exercise, how much exercise we should each do, and information on different forms of exercise ranging from strength and flexibility exercises to running and aerobic exercises. Finally there is a section on exercise videos.
Exercise Exercise – NHS  which includes

From Patient info
Exercise and Physical Activity Physical Activity | Healthy Exercise Advice | Patient

Lifestyle changes

Importantly you can also consider how to make any changes part of a new lifestyle which is much more likely to make the changes permanent. More information can be found under


Your heart age gives you an idea of how healthy your heart is.

An NHS Health Check can give you a more accurate number for your heart age by including a cholesterol blood test result and blood pressure result. However, the calculator below will give you some idea of your heart age if you are not eligible for an NHS health check or decide not to have one.

From the NHS
Calculate your heart age Calculate your heart age – NHS


If you take your blood pressure at home or with your local pharmacy you can also check what your blood pressure reading means and get information what to do next

From the NHS
Check your blood pressure reading Check your blood pressure reading – NHS

Improving your heart age

Apart from the information on exercise on this page there is more information on improving your heart age (including self-referral information to local support) under:


From the American Heart Association
Target Heart Rates Chart Target Heart Rates Chart | American Heart Association

From Healthline
What’s My Ideal Running Heart Rate? Running Heart Rate: What’s Safe and What’s Too High?

Also read the information from patient info on the precautions with exercise (such as chest pain with exercise)

From Patient info
Physical activity see section “Do I need to see a doctor before I start a physical activity programme?” Physical Activity | Healthy Exercise Advice | Patient

Your cardiac (heart) specialist or your GP may have already discussed with you about exercise with your heart condition. Even if they have done so it is worth reading the information from the British Heart Foundation before starting any exercise.

Heart conditions

From the British Heart Foundation
The question of safety and what exercise you can do is answered in detail. Staying Active – BHF


From Diabetes UK


There appears to be evidence that even if you are doing exercise if you have a sedentary life style (such as sitting at a computer all day long) there is an added benefit from moving regularly.

From the NHS 

From Patient info
Physical activity see section “New research about people with a sedentary lifestyle” Physical Activity | Healthy Exercise Advice | Patient

From the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Covers some simple ideas for all us to be more active
Keeping active and healthy Keeping active and healthy | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

From the National Center for Biotechnology Information
Sedentary Lifestyle: Overview of Updated Evidence of Potential Health Risks (Jung Ha Park 11/2020) Sedentary Lifestyle: Overview of Updated Evidence of Potential Health Risks

The self-referral section to local services above has lots of ideas including walking, and physical activity classes for all ages including older people.


From Change4Life
Activities Activities for Kids | Kids’ Activities | Change4Life

Beyond exercise other key information on improving your heart age (including self-referral information to local support) can be found under:

Videos and podcasts

On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of exercise (physical wellbeing).

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