Mental Health


Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:

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Under 18 you do not need to go through your GP for a referral for an assessment for possible autism. The referral process locally is explained below. After a diagnosis of autism there is also advice and direct support in many areas. For children with autism there are many groups and activities available. Though not specific to autism there are links to local support for parents, carers, and with finances and bullying included below.

Contact details and directory for Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer)

From the Family Information Service
Support for children and young people (under 25) with SEND and their parents

Before using the directory it is worth looking at the information below, to gain a better understanding of what is available:


Children under 5
The referral is best done by those who know your child best including

  • Nurse or preschool
  • Health visitor (who will also have done developmental checks)
    See NHS community services Children for details of how to contact your local health visitor.

Children 5 to 18
From Oxford Health CAMHS
“You can get an autism assessment from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), as part of its Collaborative Neurodevelopmental Pathway for children aged 5 to 18.”


Children under 5
From Berkshire Healthcare Children Young People and Families Service
A referral for a paediatric autistic assessment is best organised by the child’s

Children 5 to 18
From Berkshire Healthcare Children Young People and Families Service
Ideally referrals should come from professionals that know the child well, such as their teacher or special educational needs coordinator (SENCO). Make a referral to the children, young people and families service in Berkshire
Referral form – BHFT
Referral criteria autism-referral-criteria-march-2020.pdf

SUPPORT after a  DIAGNOSIS, including self referral for other support

From Oxford Health CAMHS
“If a diagnosis is made following on from your assessment, CAMHS or your buddy will be there to help you understand more about the diagnosis and a care plan will be put in place to support you.”
Intellectual Disabilities team Intellectual Disabilities team | Oxford Health CAMHS Oxford Health CAMHS

For self- referral for other support after diagnosis as the Intellectual Disabilities team suggest
“Parents involved with the child or young person’s care can make a referral by contacting CAMHS. Young people over the age of 16 years old can contact the service themselves to talk about how CAMHS may be able to help them.” Intellectual Disabilities team | Oxford Health CAMHS Oxford Health CAMHS


From Buckinghamshire Council
Under 25
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service or SENDIAS, provides free, confidential, impartial information, advice and support on all matters relating to special educational needs and disability for children and young people aged 0 to 25 and their parents/carers.

From the Family Information Service
For under 25
There is extensive support in different aspects of life and this is detailed in full here
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer) Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer) | Family Information Service
This includes

From the Council of Disabled Children
Find details for any national SENDIAS service
For Buckinghamshire SENDIAS service Buckinghamshire


From the Family Information Service
As the family information service suggest on the Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment
School or educational settings usually start this process. They will work with parents, carers, young people and professionals to submit a request for an EHC needs assessment to the council”.
Education, health and care plans (EHCP) Education, health and care plans, EHCP for SEND | Family Information Service


From the Family Information Service
For children and young people
There is extensive support in different aspects of life which includes social care


A FREE social care needs assessment can help you better understand what your social care needs are and also what your options are supporting those needs.

Further information on adult social care and a social care needs assessment can be found under


From the Family Information Service
Local help with autism includes an excellent large directory of support which is divided up by categories such as “advice and support “ ,“ things to do” , “education and learning” etc.
Activities for SEND (includes link to “search the directory”) Activities for SEND | Family Information Service

From the National Autistic Society
For all ages
“Our hard-working volunteers run support, information and social activities for autistic adults, children and their families in their local area.”

Autism Services Directory Autism Services Directory
“The Directory helps autistic people, and their families to find local and national services. It includes residential, supported living and respite, employment support, diagnostic, schools and nurseries, social groups and leisure activities, solicitors and advocacy organisations”.

From Autism Bucks
For adults (including parents of children with autism)
There are two adult social groups, one in Aylesbury and one in High Wycombe. Autism Bucks Charity
“We would love you to become a Member of the Autism Bucks charity. It’ll cost you nothing to join, and you’ll become part of our Group with access to whatever you need by way of information and interaction with other people who understand.”
Autism Bucks also provides support for parents of autistic children provided they become members.


From the Family Information Service
We help children and young people with disabilities, and their families and carers, by giving you access to short breaks.
Short breaks Short breaks and respite care for children with SEND | Family Information Service

From Bucks Activity Project
We work with families and children aged 0-19 who have a disability and need additional support. We offer short breaks for children who can take part in fun activities and group activities with experienced staff to support them. What we do| About Us |Bucks Activity Project | Buckinghamshire| Action for Children | Action for Children


There is significant support for parents and carers which, though not specifically related to the condition of autism can be helpful. See under

There is also support for finances and bullying under


To report a concern about abuse or neglect of a child, see under



From Mencap

Other support

Though not specific to autism there are links below to national support (particularly helplines) for parents, carers, and with finances and bullying. There is also some support for work, if transitioning from school to work.


There is significant support for parents and carers which, though not specifically related to the condition of autism can be helpful. See under

There is also support for finances and bullying under

From the National Autistic Society
Scroll to the bottom of the page “Looking for work” and “Finding employment e-learning module”
Autism at Work Programme Autism at Work programme

From Ambitious About Autism
“Our well-established programme offers autistic people aged 18 years and older the chance to showcase their skills and attributes in the workplace.” Work experience opportunities | Ambitious about Autism



From the National Autistic Society
Detailed information on all aspect of autism.

From Ambitious about Autism
This website is particularly focussed on children and young people.

From the NHS
A very good guide covering many aspects of autism
Autism Autism – NHS

From Patient info
Autistic Spectrum Disorders  Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism information at Patient | Patient

From Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
Detailed evidence-based guidelines produced for patients based on a systematic review of the scientific literature. Very helpfully the patient booklet, visually shows how strong the evidence is for any treatment recommendation made.
Autism Autism (


From the Child and Adolescent Mental Health service (CAMHS) Buckinghamshire
Autism (ASD) Autism (ASD) | Oxford Health CAMHS Oxford Health CAMHS


From the NHS 

From the National Autistic Society
What is autism? What is autism

From Oxford Health CAMHS
What is autistic spectrum disorder? Includes a downloadable pack, with information on links and books on autism Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Autism (ASD) | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service


Under 18
You do not need to go through your GP for a referral. You are best going through your nursery or health visitor for children under 5 and through your school or with a self-referral for over 5. This is explained in more detail (including contact information) in the self-referral section to local support.

From the National Autistic Society
Detailed information around diagnosis
Diagnosis Diagnosis

From the NHS 

From the Family Information Service
There is significant support in Buckinghamshire and this explained further in the self-referral section to local support and activities, an over view of the section is also linked to below:
Autism toolbox for parents and carers Autism Toolbox to help parents and carers of autistic children | Family Information Service

Includes when to suspect autism at different ages for children and when to suspect autism in an adult

Over 18 a GP referral is required

Over 18 you will need to go through your GP for a referral, as explained by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust


Autism can affect different aspects of life and there is detailed information on this from a number of sites. The sites below divide information into categories, rather than split this section into the different categories we emphasize the differences between the websites.

From the National Autistic Society
This is an excellent website with detailed sections on all aspects of life extending from diagnosis to adulthood, including the impact of autism (education, employment, finances) and autism itself (behaviours, socialising and relationships, strategies and intervention, mental health) and possible issues such as bullying.
Detailed information on all aspect of autism.

From Ambitious about Autism
This website is particularly focussed on children and young people and includes a downloadable guide “right from the start” toolkit (“The Right from the Start toolkit contains a wealth of straightforward information in one place to guide parents and carers through their child’s journey in the early years”). This can be downloaded.

From the NHS
A very good guide covering many aspects of autism, including newly diagnosed things to help and a large section “autism and everyday life”. There is also an excellent page on “where to get support”, which includes for different areas.

Focuses on medical issues including behaviour and sleep and the interlinking with other services


From Buckinghamshire Council
Under 25
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service or SENDIAS, provides free, confidential, impartial information, advice and support on all matters relating to special educational needs and disability for children and young people aged 0 to 25 and their parents/carers.

From the Family Information Service
For under 25
There is extensive support in different aspects of life
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer) Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer) | Family Information Service


From the Family Information Service
As the family information service suggest on the Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment
School or educational settings usually start this process. They will work with parents, carers, young people and professionals to submit a request for an EHC needs assessment to the council”.
Education, health and care plans (EHCP) Education, health and care plans, EHCP for SEND | Family Information Service


As the National autistic society suggest:
“Autism is a spectrum condition and autistic people vary greatly in their support needs. Some people live independently but others need support with certain tasks or need 24-hour specialist support.”

From the National Autistic Society
Social care Social care

For under 25: You can also get information and advice from Buckinghamshire SENDIASS

From Buckinghamshire Council
Under 25
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service or SENDIAS, provides free, confidential, impartial information, advice and support on all matters relating to special educational needs and disability for children and young people aged 0 to 25 and their parents/carers.

From the Family Information Service
For under 25
There is extensive support in different aspects of life which includes social care
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer) Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer) | Family Information Service

Adult social care
Once over 25 you will need to access the adult service. Further information on adult social care can be found under


From Oxford Health CAMHS
Autism (ASD) fact sheets Autism (ASD) fact sheets | Oxford Health CAMHS Oxford Health CAMHS

From Ambitious About Autism
Includes tips for parents and family members ( scroll down the page to see the tips)
Parent toolkit Parent toolkit | Ambitious about Autism

From the NHS
Help for families of autistic people Help for parents and families of autistic children – NHS

Further information

There is general information and support under

Videos and podcasts

On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of autism.

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Links are provided for information only and though we endeavour to ensure the information is accurate, we cannot accept responsibility for the sites linked to or the information found on these sites. A link to a site does not indicate approval or support of the site. While we endeavour to make sure that downloadable content is free from viruses, we cannot accept any liability for damage resulting from a virus infection.