From Community Impact Bucks
Provider of the volunteer centre for Buckinghamshire
I want to volunteer I Want to Volunteer – Community Impact Bucks
From Buckinghamshire council
From NHS Care Volunteer Responders
I want to volunteer Sign up today to become a volunteer | NHS and Care Volunteer Responders
From Citizen Advice
Volunteers play a key role in our charity Volunteering – Citizens Advice Buckinghamshire
From the National Trust
To find local activities, services and charitable organisations to support you see under
From the Royal Volunteering Service
“Join us and help the most vulnerable people in your community or support the NHS.” Volunteering | Voluntary Work | Volunteer with Royal Voluntary Service
From The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)
NCVO champions the voluntary sector and volunteering and provides links to national charities supporting volunteering NCVO – I want to volunteer
From the NHS and Care Volunteer Responders
“NHS and Care Volunteer Responders is a flexible volunteering programme supporting the NHS and adult social care across England.”
I want to volunteer Sign up today to become a volunteer | NHS and Care Volunteer Responders
From Age UK
“Just 30 minutes of your time a week could make a massive difference to an older person’s life.” Volunteer for the telephone friendship service Telephone friendship service | Age UK
From the Royal Volunteering Service
From Gov UK
Volunteer Volunteer – GOV.UK
From NHS England
Why volunteer in health and care? NHS England » Volunteering
Acts of kindness do not need to be just formal volunteering and may simply involve friends and family.
From the Mental Health Foundation
“People who are kind and compassionate see clear benefits to their wellbeing and happiness. They may even live longer. Kindness can also help reduce stress and improve our emotional wellbeing.”
Kindness Matters guide Kindness Matters guide | Mental Health Foundation