There is significant local support with activities and services often from charities and the council. Many of the large local voluntary services have already been included under the relevant medical or social care topics on this website and that may be the best place to start if you are looking for very specific support. So for example, if you are a carer you may want to start with looking at the page for Carers on this website to find any relevant local groups or get local help with finding these groups. After doing that then you may still wish to consider the other opportunities on this page.
Buckinghamshire Council through their online directory provide excellent information on local services and activities which cater for the whole of the Buckinghamshire population. You can search using your postcode and the type of activity you are looking for.
From Buckinghamshire council
Local services and activities near you includes
Below there is further information on local activities and services:
From Visit Buckinghamshire – the official destination management organisation for Buckinghamshire
This site is the official Destination Management Organisation for Buckinghamshire, so you may find some activities which have not been included in the websites already covered and also it is regularly updated with new activities.
From Visit England
Places to visit in Buckinghamshire Places to visit in Buckinghamshire | VisitEngland
From Visit South East England
Things To Do in Buckinghamshire Top 10 things to do in Buckinghamshire you’ll love in 2022
From Mind Buckinghamshire
For adults covers a few local activities and services in different areas not just mental health related
Buckinghamshire Mind Guide Buckinghamshire Mind – Buckinghamshire Mind Guide
From Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (CAMHS)
For children have included a few local services generally relating to mental health
Local links and wellbeing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Buckinghamshire | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
From Community Impact Bucks
“We support Buckinghamshire’s residents directly through a number of schemes which help people to stay connected and live independently in their homes, as well have access to vital services such as transport.”
Supporting Bucks residents and communities Supporting Bucks residents and communities – Community Impact Bucks
There are a large number of exercise opportunities in Buckinghamshire including free walking groups, see under
Local parish councils often include information on social activities close to your GP practice.
Local Parish Councils in Buckinghamshire
The main parish council local to your practice, if available, will have been included on your practice website under “Local community and health campaigns”. However, it is possible, particularly if you live on the boundary of the practice area, that you may benefit from looking at what is available from other nearby local parish councils. Buckinghamshire Council provide a list of all the Parish Councils in Bucks including if available their website. These websites can provide more information on local activities and services.
If you want to volunteer locally see under
The page on adult education provides information and a helpline on local support for a range of learning activities. These can result in a formal qualification which can help with getting a job, or simply be an enjoyable hobby. They can also help with life skills such as learning how to use a computer and the internet.
Local libraries provide free access to books (including eBooks and eAudiobooks), Wi-Fi and learning on how to use the internet, as well as a pleasant environment to read. Libraries also provide some free access to a computer every day. Information on this can be found under
A comprehensive list and information on national charities is produced by the Charity Commission who register and regulate all charities in England and Wales.
From Gov UK (Charity Commission)
Find a charity About the register of charities
If you click on “advanced search” and then scroll down the page to “Charities working locally in England and Wales” and then click on Buckinghamshire you can find all the charities in Buckinghamshire. You can further refine this search by choosing the “classifications” you want (e.g., recreation) as well as only choosing charities in Buckinghamshire. You can then google the name of the local charity that interests you to see if they have a website / contact details.
From Charity Choice
For various charitable categories you can search from your postcode The Premier Guide and List of Charities in the UK | Charity Choice
A comprehensive list and information on national charities is produced by the Charity Commission who register and regulate all charities in England and Wales.
From Gov UK
Find a charity About the register of charities
From Charity Choice
For various charitable categories you can search from your postcode The Premier Guide and List of Charities in the UK | Charity Choice