Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
From MSK Buckinghamshire – local physiotherapy service
PLEASE NOTE: “If you need to see one of our specialist clinicians or need any diagnostic imaging, we will still require a referral by your GP, consultant or other healthcare professional looking after you.”
A physiotherapist may also be part of your practice team. If available they can refer you to a specialist clinician in the MSK Buckinghamshire service. This is explained below:
In Buckinghamshire groupings of practices called PCNs (see under primary care networks for more information on PCNs) now normally employ a physiotherapist who can see you in your practice (or locally) without you needing to see a GP first.
To find details of the practice/ PCN physiotherapist, if available, look on your practice site under “contact details and self-referral” for details on in practice self-referral to a physiotherapist.
Only occasionally does an NHS referral to your local orthopaedic or pain team consultant need to be done but only the Buckinghamshire Musculoskeletal (MSK) team can do such routine referrals (not your GP). If need be your practice/PCN physiotherapist can refer you to the MSK team without you needing to see your GP. For more information on this service see under physiotherapy support (MSK Buckinghamshire service) in NHS Community Services.
In addition, to the self-care information on exercises for many common conditions covered in the frequently asked questions below, you are also able to get advice and simple treatments from your local pharmacist. You can also self-refer to an NHS podiatrist for feet problems (providing you meet their referral criteria). For longer physiotherapy sessions and very regular podiatry sessions some people are referring themselves privately. All of this is explained in more detail below.
Advice and support from a pharmacist
Your local pharmacist can provide you with advice on simple pain relief and anti-inflammatories.
From the NHS
Find a pharmacy Find a pharmacy – NHS
There is further information on the support from your local pharmacist under
Local community podiatrist treat people who have a medical/podiatric problem that puts your foot at risk of deterioration. Conditions include:
To self-refer to the service see “podiatry” under
There are many private local podiatrists and physiotherapists. Both the Royal College of Podiatry and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy provide details of local podiatrists and physiotherapists respectively. This is not an exhaustive list and you can also look at local private hospitals and other locally advertised services.
For more information and to find a private podiatrist see under
For more information and to find a private physiotherapist see under
If you are already under the rheumatology team you can contact the rheumatology specialist nurse for advice, just put in “rheumatology” into the search box which is just to the right side and above the blue banner “specialist nurses” for Wexham or Heatherwood. If you contact switch board and ask for the named nurse you will at least be able to leave a message with the specialist nurse to ring you back. If you continue to have difficulties contacting the specialist nurse then you should contact the rheumatology department secretary, through switchboard, who can relay a message to the specialist nurse.
Specialist Nurse Directory Specialist Nurse Directory | NHS Frimley Health Foundation Trust
From Versus Arthritis
Call our helpline Get help | Helpline, online community, arthritis virtual assistant
From the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society
Call our Helpline Get support | NRAS | How NRAS can support you
Everyone is affected by muscular or joint pain at some point in their life. In most cases it is self-limiting, resolving without any specific action. In the areas below, covering common muscular and joint conditions seen, there is information on simple self-care including how a pharmacist can help and also simple exercises for each condition. There is also information when you should see a GP or when rarely you need to attend A&E (in red and black in NHS articles e.g., see sciatica Sciatica – NHS ). An excellent place to start is provided by the Hillingdon Musculoskeletal MSK Service.
From the Hillingdon Musculoskeletal MSK Service
“There are lots of things you can do to manage your pain or condition yourself. We have collated some of the best advice and information sheets.” This includes links to videos. Hillingdon Musculoskeletal MSK Service :: Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Remember even if you are under the care of an NHS MSK physiotherapist, they can only spend a short time with you every 4-6 weeks, so what exercises you do yourself can be key to your condition improving. There is also some information below on a number of long-term muscular and joint conditions.
From Versus Arthritis
Excellent advice on “exercises for health joints” showing some of the same exercises that a physiotherapist might provide you with. Exercises for healthy joints | Back, neck, knee and foot exercises
From NHS Inform (Scotland)
Very well set out information on muscular and joint conditions
Muscle, bone and joints: simple general advice in every area, including when you should seek professional advice and exercises for every joint Muscle, bone and joint injuries / problems | NHS inform
From the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
From Patient info
Bones, Joints and Muscles centre Bones, Joints and Muscles | Patient which provides numerous articles and specific sections on: Back and Spine pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, and sports injuries. There are also for many conditions videos presented by a physiotherapist.
Musculoskeletal Musculoskeletal | Specialities | CKS | NICE
From Practice Plus Group MSK and Diagnostics (Buckinghamshire)
From Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
These leaflets have mainly been provided for patients after surgery but there are some general physiotherapy leaflets for common conditions such as acute neck pain
Physiotherapy patient leaflets Physiotherapy patient leaflets – Oxford University Hospitals
The advantages of exercise
From Gov UK
Health matters: getting every adult active every day Health matters: getting every adult active every day – GOV.UK
From the NHS
From the NHS and Patient info
Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
From the Health and Safety Executive
From the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Back pain
From the NHS
From NHS Inform
Muscle, bone and joints Muscle, bone and joint injuries / problems | NHS inform
From Versus Arthritis
Exercises for health joints Exercises for healthy joints | Back, neck, knee and foot exercises
From the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Rehabilitation exercises with videos Rehabilitation exercises | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
From Patient info
Video: Back pain exercises Back Pain Exercise Video | Lilly Sabri | Patient
Also see under the first question for information on Work posture.
From the NHS
From Patient info
Costochondritis Costochondritis | Chest Pain | Symptoms and Treatment | Patient
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
From the NHS
Shoulder impingement Shoulder impingement – NHS
Also look at “Polymyalgia rheumatica” under long- term conditions in the area covered below for an uncommon but important cause of shoulder/ neck pain (generally found in over 50-year-olds)
From NHS Inform
Muscle, bone and joints Muscle, bone and joint injuries / problems | NHS inform
From Versus Arthritis
Exercises for health joints Exercises for healthy joints | Back, neck, knee and foot exercises
From the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Rehabilitation exercises with videos Rehabilitation exercises | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
From Patient info
Video: Neck pain exercises Neck Pain Exercise Video | Lilly Sabri | Patient
Also see under the first question information on Work posture.
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Tennis elbow
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Dupuytren’s contracture
From NHS choices
From NHS Inform
Muscle, bone and joints Muscle, bone and joint injuries / problems | NHS inform
From Versus Arthritis
Exercises for health joints Exercises for healthy joints | Back, neck, knee and foot exercises
From the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Rehabilitation exercises with videos Rehabilitation exercises | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Also see under the first question information on Work posture.
Pain felt in the leg can come from the back, hip and knee, as well as from the leg. Some of the common muscular and joint conditions causing pain are considered below.
From the NHS and Patient info
Hip pain in adults
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome Greater trochanteric pain syndrome | Health topics A to Z | CKS | NICE
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Knee pain
Housemaid’s Knee
From the NHS
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Leg cramp
Osteoarthritis, gout and inflammatory arthritis are covered in detail under the question on long term conditions but are all possible causes of pain in the knee pain. Common long term conditions involving Bones, Joints and Muscle are covered under Bones, Joints and muscles
From NHS Inform
Muscle, bone and joints Muscle, bone and joint injuries / problems | NHS inform
From Versus Arthritis
Exercises for health joints Exercises for healthy joints | Back, neck, knee and foot exercises
From the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Rehabilitation exercises with videos Rehabilitation exercises | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
From Patient info
From the NHS
An excellent summary of different causes of foot pain, when a pharmacist or self- care might help and when you might need to call 111 or have a medical appointment: Foot pain Foot pain – NHS
From the Royal College of Podiatrists
From the NHS
Ankle pain: a good summary of common causes to consider and what to do Ankle pain – NHS
From the NHS
Heel pain: a good summary of common causes to consider and what to do Heel pain – NHS
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Plantar fasciitis
From the NHS
Common long term conditions involving Bones, Joints and Muscle are covered under
From the NHS
Pain in the top of the foot: a good summary of common causes Pain in the top of the foot – NHS
From the NHS
Pain under the foot: a good summary of common causes Pain in the bottom of the foot – NHS
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Plantar fasciitis
From the NHS
Pain in the ball of the foot : a good summary of common causes Pain in the ball of the foot – NHS Pain in the ball of the foot – NHS
From NHS Inform
Muscle, bone and joints Muscle, bone and joint injuries / problems | NHS inform
From Versus Arthritis
Exercises for health joints Exercises for healthy joints | Back, neck, knee and foot exercises
From the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Rehabilitation exercises with videos Rehabilitation exercises | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
From Patient info
Video: Foot pain exercises Foot Pain Exercise Videos | Lilly Sabri | Patient
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Sprain and strains
From the NHS and Patient info
Information to help reduce your risk of falls is particularly helpful for people over the age of 65 and can be found under
Common long term conditions involving Bones, Joints and Muscle are covered under
This includes not just information on the common long-term conditions but also information about managing the impact of a long-term condition.
Patient Decision Aids (decision support tools) should be seen as a possible extra tool to support shared decision making in any consultation with a health care professional to help you decide what is your preferred treatment.
From Practice Plus Group MSK & Diagnostics
Provide links to some commonly used musculoskeletal patient decision aids for various conditions, including when surgery might be considered Useful links and patient decision aids – Practice Plus Group MSK & Diagnostics
For information on shared decision making and patient decision aids see under
On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of muscular and joint conditions.