Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and Practices

Primary Care Networks (PCNs)

Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:

Quick Read
Clinical level


From NHS England
What is a PCN? NHS England » Primary care networks

From the Kings fund
Primary Care Networks explained Primary care networks explained | The King’s Fund

More detailed analysis intended for clinicians

From the BMA
Primary care networks (PCNs):  include a downable “BMA PCN handbook” for practices to digest but provides significant more detail for patients if interested. Primary care networks (PCNs)

From the Primary Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee
A perspective from NHS community pharmacies including PCNs in the long-term context of the development of the NHS. Primary Care Networks (PCNs) : PSNC Main site

From NHS England
Describes the contracted work of a primary care network
Network Contract DES NHS England » Network Contract DES


Additional roles

From NHS England
What are the “additional roles” involved with PCNs and how do these roles support your care? NHS England » Expanding our workforce

Finding The additional roles in your practice and PCN

You can find out who works in your practice in an additional role by looking at your linked practice site, see “practice and local teams” in  the section “about us” under the main menu. The “additional clinical and non-clinical support” will vary between different practices/ PCNs.

General information

There is more general information under

Your local Primary Care Network

From Healthwatch Bucks
A list of Buckinghamshire’s primary care networks including which Practice is in which Primary Care Network (PCN)  Bucks Primary Care Networks Announced – Healthwatch Bucks

Find out more about the PCN you practice is part of

For practices linked to this website
Information on your practice’s primary care network, including who works in your PCN, can be found on your linked practice site. See the “practice and local teams” page in the section “ about us” under the main menu.

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