Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
There is a full explanation about an NHS health check (available for ages 40 to 74) in the frequently asked questions below.
From Be Healthy Bucks
If you are unable or do not want to get an NHS Health check with your GP you can do so through Be Healthy Bucks
Get an NHS Health Check Home – Be Healthy Bucks
From Buckinghamshire Council
Information from public health in Buckinghamshire
Self-referral to physical health support in Buckinghamshire
With or without an NHS health check you can self- refer to support which can help you improve your health. See under
Also see how lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk of some health conditions
In addition there is more information in the questions below about self-referral for specific risks such as diabetes even without an NHS health check.
From Patient info
Health checks you can do at home Health checks you can do at home | Patient
From the NHS
NHS Health Check NHS Health Check – NHS
From Patient info
Why you shouldn’t skip your free NHS health check What to expect at an NHS health check | Patient
From Lab Tests Online UK
Cardiac Risk Assessment Cardiac Risk Assessment
Your heart age gives you an idea of how healthy your heart is.
An NHS Health check can give you a more accurate number for your heart age by including a cholesterol blood test result and blood pressure result. However, the calculator below will give you some idea of your heart age if you are not eligible for an NHS health check or decide not to have one.
From the NHS
Calculate your heart age Calculate your heart age – NHS
There is more information on improving your heart age (including self-referral information to local support) under:
From the NHS
Check your blood pressure reading and get information about what to do next Check your blood pressure reading – NHS
From the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme
There is more information under Healthy eating, Healthy weight and Exercise including self-referral to local support to help you lower your risk of diabetes.
If you wish to have a diabetes blood test separate to an NHS health check this can be done through your GP practice.
From the NHS
There is more information under Healthy weight including self-referral to local support.
On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of the NHS health check.