Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
There is some very good support locally for adult learning disabilities including a large number of different activities which you can find by clicking below. If you are between the ages of 18 and 25 you may also find extra information and services by looking under
From the Family Information Service
Support for children and young people (under 25) with SEND and their parents – divided into Buckinghamshire Council SEND services and SEND support and activities by local organisations
SEND support services SEND support services | Family Information Service
Before using the directory it is worth looking at the information below, to gain a better understanding of what is available:
From Buckinghamshire Council
Under 25
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service or SENDIAS, provides free, confidential, impartial information, advice and support on all matters relating to special educational needs and disability for children and young people aged 0 to 25 and their parents/carers.
From the Family Information Service
For under 25
From the Council of Disabled Children
Find details for any national SENDIAS service
For Buckinghamshire SENDIAS service Buckinghamshire
From the Family Information Service
Education and SEND Education and special educational needs and disabilities | Family Information Service
A FREE social care needs assessment can help you better understand what your social care needs are and also what your options are supporting those needs.
From Buckinghamshire Council – SELF REFERRAL for social care needs assessment
From the NHS
Getting a care needs assessment Getting a care needs assessment – Social care and support guide – NHS
From Buckinghamshire Council
More detailed information on adult social care services can be found under
From the Family Information Service
Local help with autism includes an excellent large directory of support which is divided up by categories such as “advice and support “ ,“ things to do” , “education and learning” etc.
Activities for SEND (includes link to “search the directory”) Activities for SEND | Family Information Service
From the Family Information Service
We help children and young people with disabilities, and their families and carers, by giving you access to short breaks.
Short breaks Short breaks and respite care for children with SEND | Family Information Service
From Buckinghamshire Council
The Bucks Online Directory provides a data base which you can search for activities and groups across the county. To find the best activities use the filters “suitable for” which includes “learning difficulties” and also the age filter to put the minimum age (e.g., 30) and the maximum age (e.g., 60)
Find activities and organisations near you Find activities, groups and services near you | Bucks Online Directory | Buckinghamshire Council
From the NHS
Support if you are going into hospital Learning disabilities – Support if you are going into hospital – NHS
From Mencap
Visiting hospital: Information to help people with a learning disability visiting hospital. (includes hospital passports) Visiting hospital | Mencap
From Buckinghamshire NHS Healthcare Trust
Our learning disability liaison team helps adult patients with learning disabilities and autism, and their carers, to access high quality care and have a positive experience in hospital.
Patients with learning disabilities and autism Patients with learning disabilities and autism – Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
From Frimley Healthcare Trust (Wexham Park Hospital)
Learning disability liaison nurses Learning disability liaison service | NHS Frimley Health Foundation Trust
From Hillingdon Hospital NHS foundation trust
Responding to the needs of people with learning disabilities Responding to the needs of people with learning disabilities | The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Other local and national hospitals will normally have an adult learning disabilities team available in the hospital.
The PALS service can also offer support, however it is always best to go through the learning disabilities liaison team first.
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) offers confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters. They provide a point of contact for patients, their families and their carers.
General support for all disabilities may be relevant
There is significant support for parents and carers which, though not specifically related to learning disabilities can be helpful. See under
There is also support for finances and bullying under
From Buckinghamshire Council
Training, work experience and employment Jobs, training, work and preparing for adulthood (SEND) | Family Information Service
From Buckinghamshire Skills Hub
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities “If you have a Special Educational Need or Disability, or you know someone who does, you might be wondering what success looks like. We are here to give you the support you need to realise your potential.” Special Educational Needs and Disabilities | Career Seeker Type | Buckinghamshire Skills Hub
Further information on support for adult education can be found under
Mencap and Contact provide supportive helplines, with Mencap also supplying a package of support covering a number of areas. There is also support on this website in other areas such as finance. Click below to see
From Mencap
The Learning Disability Helpline is our free helpline service offering advice and support for people with a learning disability, and their families and carers.
Learning Disability Helpline Learning Disability Helpline | Mencap
Services to help you
“We don’t have a ‘standard’ approach at Mencap – all our personal support and services start with us spending time to understand you as an individual.”
There is a great range of services and we recommend you look at this page to understand all that is available.
Our services Learning Disability Support Services | Mencap
From Contact
General support for all disabilities may be relevant
There is significant support for parents and carers which, though not specifically related to the condition of learning disabilities can be helpful. See under
There is also support for finances and bullying under
Learning disability can affect different aspects of life and there is detailed information on this from a number of excellent websites. The sites below divide information into categories, rather than split this section into the different categories we emphasize the differences between the websites.
From Mencap
A wide-ranging guide
Advice and support Access Learning Disability Advice and Support | Mencap
From Contact
A detailed guide covering all aspects of learning disability
Information & advice Information & advice | Contact
From the NHS
Learning disabilities Learning disabilities – NHS
Learning disabilities Learning disabilities | Health topics A to Z | CKS | NICE
From Buckinghamshire Council
More information on the adult social care service can be found under
From Buckinghamshire Council
Under 25
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service or SENDIAS, provides free, confidential, impartial information, advice and support on all matters relating to special educational needs and disability for children and young people aged 0 to 25 and their parents/carers.
From the Family Information Service
For under 25
There is extensive support in different aspects of life
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer) Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer) | Family Information Service
From Buckinghamshire NHS Healthcare Trust
For under 20
Community Nurses for children and young people with a learning disability Community nurses for children and young people with a learning disability – Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust – CYP Website
From Contact
“Information about the help available in your area, from local advice organisations to parent support groups.”
Our 1-1 telephone appointments for parent carers looking for emotional support.
There is general information and support under
From the Family Information Service
SEND and moving between stages of education SEND and moving between schools and stages of education | Family Information Service
From Mencap
How can I get further education after school?
Further Education – Advice and Support | Mencap
From Mencap
“The Mental Capacity Act is an important law for people with a learning disability. It protects your rights to make your own choices” What is The Mental Capacity Act? | Mencap
“Advocacy support can help give you or your loved one the confidence and ability to speak up about things that are important”. Advocacy | Mencap
From Mencap and the Family Information Service
Transition into adult services
From Mencap
Social care Social Care – Learning Disability – Advice and Support | Mencap
From Contact
Social care Social care | Contact
From the NHS
Getting a care needs assessment Getting a care needs assessment – Social care and support guide – NHS
From Buckinghamshire Council
More detailed information on adult social care services can be found under
Under 25: You can get information and advice from Buckinghamshire SENDIASS
From Buckinghamshire Council
Under 25
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service or SENDIAS, provides free, confidential, impartial information, advice and support on all matters relating to special educational needs and disability for children and young people aged 0 to 25 and their parents/carers.
From the Family Information Service
For under 25
There is extensive support in different aspects of life.
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer) Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer) | Family Information Service
From Mencap
From Mencap and the Family Information Service
Money advice for people with learning disabilities and their carers.
Transport for people with a learning disability
Further information can be found under
From the NHS
Annual health checks Learning disabilities – Annual health checks – NHS
From Mencap
Videos from the Academic Health Science Networks
As the NHS states
“The flu vaccine is offered free on the NHS to anyone with a serious long-term health condition, including learning disabilities” Flu vaccine – NHS
From Gov UK
Information on how to protect yourself from flu: easy-read guide Information on how to protect yourself from flu: easy-read guide – GOV.UK
From the Mental Health Foundation
Mental health Children and young people with learning disabilities and their mental health | Mental Health Foundation
From the NHS, Mencap and NICE
Behaviour that challenges and mental health problems
From Mencap
“How to discuss death with a person with a learning disability”.
Dealing with a bereavement Dealing with bereavement and support with grief | Speak to a bereavement counsellor | Mencap
How can my child be supported when I am no longer around?
Wills and Trusts Service Wills and Trusts Service for parents and carers | Mencap
More detailed information can be found under
Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand. Some helpful easy read leaflets on common health conditions and services can be found under
On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of learning disabilities.