As Age UK suggest
“Planning for the end of your life can be difficult – lots of us tend to put it off until we have to. But giving things some thought now means you can consider all your options and be confident that your wishes are known as you get your affairs in order.”
“End of life issues.” Age UK Website. Retrieved 29th February 2024
End of life issues | Age UK
Future planning has been split into four separate pages to aid understanding. A short summary is included below and these pages are linked to at the bottom of the page:
The page on “planning for the future”, which you can access below, is a good place to start, explaining why it is worth planning ahead and how you can do it. This includes information and forms for advance statements and advanced decisions (living wills).
The page on “lasting power of attorney”, which you can access below, covers the steps we could all consider completing to help us plan for the future even if changes in our life are decades away.
As the NHS suggests about their guide on end of life
“This guide is for people who are approaching the end of their life. Some parts of it may also be useful for people who are caring for someone who is dying, or people who want to plan for their own end of life care.” End of life care – NHS
The page on “End of Life Care”, which you can access below, includes not just the NHS website guide but significant extra information and details on local and national support.
As Marie Curie suggest
“Losing somebody close affects everyone differently.”
When someone dies
Coping emotionally is well supported locally and nationally, see under
Practical support is provided under “When someone dies” which you can access below.
On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of palliative care.