Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
Professor Muir Gray’s “Live Longer Better” campaign takes an approach to ageing which looks at living longer combined with a good quality of life. This requires targeting improved mental, social and physical wellbeing. Further information can be found under
There is some general information relevant to health in older people:
Patient info have a section on Senior health, with numerous articles which provides a good introduction
From Patient info
Senior Health Senior Health | Patient
The Bucks Older Peoples Action Group (BOPAG)
“Independent, non-political, voluntary organisation made up of groups and individuals around the county and further afield. Our core message is Positive Ageing and through this directory, we try to provide information which helps older people lead healthy, active and independent lives.” BOPAG – Home
A summary of the full range of adult health, with links to local support, can be found under
Includes other support beyond calling 999 or going directly to A&E, which can be accessed any time of the day, see under
There is good local and national support to help reduce loneliness, see under
For all of us whatever our age an attention to mental wellbeing can be helpful.
There is good local support for mental health conditions including with
Alcohol and drugs can impact on mental health, there is excellent local support to help, whatever your age
Good Physical Wellbeing can support the treatment of a number of health conditions, and includes local support in the areas of
Reducing risk factors for some important health conditions is well supported locally
Picking up the onset of health conditions earlier can help better control or stop serious health conditions
Paying attention to healthy living changes, as with physical wellbeing, not only benefits the present but can reduce the risk of many health conditions in the future including
Conditions such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, become more common with ageing. Information to reduce their impact can be found under
Many accidents, particularly falls, are preventable
Spotting cancer and sepsis early can make a difference
Many patients find a driving assessment supportive, to reassure themselves (and also family members) and also to get advice about vehicle modifications if relevant. For information on this and the guidance on medical conditions and driving see under
Many older people will have one or more long term condition. For information on long term conditions, see under
As the Canadian Frailty Network suggest
“Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean someone is frail, but it does increase the odds of developing multiple medical conditions and frailty. Things like inactivity, poor nutrition, and social isolation or loneliness, and multiple medications contribute to frailty. When you are frail, your body does not have the ability to cope with minor illnesses that would normally have minimal impact if you were healthy. With frailty, these minor stressors may trigger rapid and dramatic deterioration.”
What is frailty? The Canadian Frailty Network Website. Retrieved 25th March 2025
Having more than one long-term condition (multimorbidity) can lead to a large number of drugs being prescribed (polypharmacy). Medicines optimisation can reduce associated risks including those that come with frailty.
Further information on reducing the risk of frailty and polypharmacy can be found below:
From the Canadian Frailty Network
This excellent Canadian government sponsored website explains frailty simply and provides some steps you can take to reduce your risk.
For support locally for reducing the risk of frailty, see under
From the British Society of Geriatrics
Introduction to Frailty Introduction to Frailty | British Geriatrics Society
From Age UK
Understanding frailty What is frailty? | Age UK
From Patient info
Frailty and Multimorbidity Frailty and Multimorbidity | Assessment and Prevention | Patient
From NHS England
Frailty resources NHS England » Frailty resources
Multimorbidity: clinical assessment and management Recommendations | Multimorbidity: clinical assessment and management | Guidance | NICE
Having more than one long-term condition (multimorbidity) can lead to a large number of drugs being prescribed (polypharmacy). Medicines optimisation can reduce associated risks including those that come with frailty.
From NHS England
Medicines optimisation NHS England » Medicines optimisation
From Patient info
Polypharmacy What is polypharmacy? | Multiple Medication | Patient
At some point social care may be needed, even if limited to helping a person remain independent at home. See under
Support for any carer may become relevant. See under
Having a long term medical condition leads many older patients to consider planning for the future decades before death with
Understanding end of life care allows long term planning for the future and discussions with family, ensuring it is known what a person might want.
On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of older people.