Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
One important function of government is to protect the public from any serious infectious disease outbreaks. The government coordinates both national and local responses. On this page we include information on any infectious disease outbreaks and what steps are been taken both nationally and locally. Under your practice website under “infectious disease outbreaks” in the practice section you will find any information on practice specific advice, particularly relating to any visits to the practice.
From the NHS
COVID-19 symptoms and what to do, including when to seek help.
Book, cancel or change a COVID-19 vaccination appointment
Log in to the NHS booking service:
Use this service to:
You can call 119 if you need help with COVID-19 vaccinations or testing and you cannot do this online
When to call 119 When to call 119 – NHS
We recommend you read this section and the information on your practice website under “infectious disease outbreaks”, in particular, “The practice and Covid-19”, as this will cover the practice protocols for Covid-19. This is particularly important if you are planning to attend the practice and there has been a new significant outbreak of Covid-19.
Local information on Covid-19 can be found below:
From the Integrated Care Board Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West
See under COVID-19 for the latest information on local covid clinics when available Immunisation and vaccination – Stay Well
From Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
Coronavirus leaflet series – mental health Coronavirus leaflet series – Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
From Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
Provide direct mental health support without you needing to see your GP. This is a free NHS service to patients over the age of 18, who attend a Buckinghamshire GP.
Long term health condition (see under long covid for what is offered) Long Term Health Condition – NHS Buckinghamshire Talking TherapiesNHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
Please note your GP practice is very unlikely to know anymore more information on national guidance on Covid than is available here. We recommend you read this before contacting your practice.
From the NHS
This is a large excellent and detailed guide covering all aspects of Covid 19. We recommend you start on this page to find out any national information on Covid you want and this information is updated regularly.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) COVID-19 advice and services – NHS
It includes
From the NHS
Long-term effects of COVID-19 (long COVID): also includes “How to help symptoms of long COVID yourself” Long-term effects of COVID-19 (long COVID) – NHS
From the NHS
Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines About COVID-19 vaccination, safety and side effects – NHS
From Patient info
Covid-19 vaccination Coronavirus – COVID 19 | Health topics A to Z | CKS | NICE
From BBC Health
Provides the latest news and statistics on Covid (if Covid is in the news) Health – BBC News
From Gov UK
UK Health Security Agency UK Health Security Agency – GOV.UK