Support from Different Organisations



Buckinghamshire Council (in combination with partners) have an important role to play in health and social care.

From Buckinghamshire Council
Home Buckinghamshire Council | Aylesbury, Chiltern, South Bucks, Wycombe

Contact the council

From Buckinghamshire Council

Some important support

Some particularly relevant aspects include:

From Public Health Buckinghamshire
Health and wellbeing Home (

From Buckinghamshire Council
Other health and wellbeing related information includes

From Buckinghamshire Council
Housing and housing benefits Housing and housing benefits | Buckinghamshire Council

From Buckinghamshire Council


From Buckinghamshire Council
Schools and learning Schools and learning | Buckinghamshire Council

From Buckinghamshire Council
Includes local transport options

From Buckinghamshire Council
Services and activities

Library services

You may want access to a computer, Wi-Fi or have been recommended a book to better understand your health. You may want to learn how to use the internet. Local libraries provide free access to books (including eBooks and eAudiobooks), Wi-Fi and learning on how to use a computer and access the internet (digital skills), as well as a pleasant environment to read. Libraries also provide some free access to a computer every day.

Find a library in Buckinghamshire near you

From Buckinghamshire Council

Find a library outside Buckinghamshire

You can use the postcode library finder if you live on the boundary of Buckinghamshire

From Gov UK
Find a local library service Local library services – GOV.UK

Other library services

Some of the other services offered by local libraries include:

As Buckinghamshire Council suggest about the training package
“An online IT training package for everyone aged 16 and over with audio and accessibility options for visual impairments available.” Library services | Buckinghamshire Council

From the Good Things Foundation
“Learn My Way is a website of free online learning for beginners, helping you develop digital skills to make the most of the online world.” Learn My Way | Develop Your Digital Skills

You can discuss all the available courses in your local library.

From Buckinghamshire Council
Library services for the blind and visually impaired Library services for the blind and visually impaired | Buckinghamshire Council

From Buckinghamshire Council
Information about the Home Library and Library Buddy Services Information about the Home Library and Library Buddy Services | Buckinghamshire Council

Have your say locally

Influence the local council and local NHS services: you can find and take part in consultations, surveys and other public involvement opportunities relating to local NHS or council services.

From Your Voice Bucks (from Buckinghamshire Council and the local NHS)
“You’re in the right place for public consultations, surveys and engagement activities happening in Buckinghamshire. We publish activities from Buckinghamshire Council and local NHS services.” Your Voice Bucks – Citizen Space includes

Councils on the boundaries of Buckinghamshire

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