Community transport schemes are volunteer-led and run throughout the county offering lifts to essential appointments to those unable to access other options. To find out what services are in your area, contact the community transport hub. They cannot make or take any bookings but can advise you on the most suitable method of transport in your area to meet your needs.
From Community Impact Bucks – Community Transport Hub
The Community Transport hub can direct you to the service you need local to you Community Transport – Community Impact Bucks
From Buckinghamshire Council – includes details on the community transport hub and other local schemes
From the NHS
For eligible patients you can book transport to hospital. There may also be voluntary transport in the area of your surgery. There are other options with transport some of which are covered in the links below. Healthwatch can always guide you if you are struggling to find a transport option to help you get to an NHS service. See below:
From the NHS
How to organise transport to and from hospital How to organise transport to and from hospital – NHS
If you are eligible, you can book non-emergency ambulance transport to hospital
From SCAS (NEPTS – Non emergency patient transport service) for Thames Valley
including Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire Patient Transport Service | South Central Ambulance Service
SCAS suggest how you can manage your booking online after your first booking
“If you have transport booked with a SCAS NEPTS service you can manage your booking at our Patient Zone. This system will allow you to book transport (except your first journey), manage your bookings and check your journey status. You also have the ability to cancel your booking if your transport is no longer required.” Passenger Zone Login
How to find you NHS number from the NHS website
If you do not have access to a prescription or hospital letter Find your NHS number – NHS
Community transport schemes are volunteer-led and may be available in your practice area offering lifts to essential appointments to those unable to access other options.
For linked practice websites you can find information on any available voluntary transport service(s) in the area of your practice, see under “transport” by either looking at the main practice main menu (see under “external service and your practice” ) or using the search function.
This is not organised by your practice and there is generally a separate telephone number for you to phone rather than contacting your practice. Sometimes this voluntary transport service, if available, can help you get to the surgery and sometimes it may also help you get to other NHS services such as hospitals.
A blue badge gives you exemption from some parking restrictions and access to designated parking spaces. The badge is for your use only.
From Buckinghamshire Council
From Gov UK
Apply for or renew a Blue Badge online Apply for or renew a Blue Badge – GOV.UK
From Buckinghamshire Council
Abuse of the blue badge scheme Tell us if someone is abusing a Blue Badge for disabled parking | Buckinghamshire Council
From Buckinghamshire NHS Healthcare Trust
Wheelchair Service Wheelchair Service – Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
From Buckinghamshire Council
From Age UK
Door-to-door transport for older people to help them to maintain their independence may be available in your area. Transport services for the elderly and disabled | Age UK
From Gov UK
Apply for an older person’s bus pass Apply for an older person’s bus pass – GOV.UK
From Healthwatch Bucks
As the NHS suggests for non-emergency hospital visits
You’ll normally be expected to make your own way to hospital if it’s not an emergency. Hospital parking can be expensive and limited, and you may not be able to leave your car there overnight. So you may want to ask a friend or relative to take you to hospital and collect you after you’ve been discharged.
How to organise transport to and from hospital – NHS
The websites for a number of local health services, which include directions and parking information, can be found under
Local transport services and hospital information can be found below:
From Buckinghamshire Council
Buses and trains information Buses and trains | Buckinghamshire Council
From the Official Taxi Register – find services near you
From Yell
Taxis & Private Hire Vehicles near Buckinghamshire, enter your postcode Taxis & Private Hire Vehicles near Buckinghamshire | Reviews – Yell
From Buckinghamshire Council
Taxis and private hire Taxis and private hire | Buckinghamshire Council
From Health watch
Getting to Bucks Hospitals Signposts for Transport – Healthwatch Bucks
From NHS Frimley Health Foundation Trust (Wexham Park Hospital)
From NHS Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
From the Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
From Oxford University NHS Foundation Trust
From Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
From St Mark’s Hospital and academic institute
Getting to St Mark’s Hospital Getting Here – St Mark’s Hospital
From Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS foundation trust
From the NHS
Search for any hospital, including to find directions and parking Find a hospital – NHS
From the NHS
Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS) Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS) – NHS
From Gov UK
Support to help with the cost of transport Support to help with the cost of transport – GOV.UK ( includes support for HM forces and for the unemployed in certain circumstances)
From Patient info
Help With Health Costs (see under Travel to Hospital Costs) Help with Health Costs | NHS Voucher Schemes | Patient
From the NHS
Driving and using public transport if you have mobility issues Driving and using public transport if you have mobility issues – NHS
From Gov UK
From Driving Mobility
Alternatives to driving Alternatives to driving – Driving Mobility
There is detailed information on driving and medical conditions including accessing the local driving mobility centre (who can help with adaptions of your car), see under
See ” how can you reduce the risk of an accident on the road” under