Mental Health


Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:

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Clinical level

As suggested by the Alzheimer’s Society
“Although there is no cure for dementia yet, support and treatments are available that can help with symptoms and managing daily life. These can allow people with dementia to lead active, purposeful lives and carry on doing the things that matter to them most.
“Five things you should know about dementia.” Alzheimer’s Society. Retrieved 15th February 2023.


The range of support required varies between people and also across time. This section provides information on local support which may be of help at some point of time.

Buckinghamshire’s Dementia Support Service

From Buckinghamshire council and the Alzeihmer’s society
Buckinghamshire’s Dementia Support Service Buckinghamshire’s Dementia Support Service | Buckinghamshire Council

Dementia toolkit

From Buckinghamshire Council
Provide some good information to start with on local support
Dementia Toolkit Dementia toolkit | Buckinghamshire Council
This includes

Further local support

Some important local support can be found below:

Dementia support services and groups in Buckinghamshire

From Buckinghamshire council and the Alzheimer’s society

From Buckinghamshire Council
You can search the Buckinghamshire Council data base, using the filter “suitable” for dementia.
Find activities and organisations near you  Find activities, groups and services near you | Bucks Online Directory | Buckinghamshire Council

From Age Space
Age Space is a national organisation whose information is written from the perspective of a carer for elderly parents and as such has some helpful insights. It provides links and information on some of the local dementia services and some local groups which can help with caring for someone with dementia.

Other support

You may want to start with just talking to someone locally and other good sources of support are

From Buckinghamshire Age UK
Offers advice on all issues of concern to older people, their families, friends and carers Age UK Buckinghamshire | Information and advice for later life

From Carers Bucks
Dedicated to supporting carers, providing advice, information, emotional support and workshops and training Carers Bucks | Dedicated to supporting carers – Carers Bucks

Finding other local support outside Buckinghamshire

You can locate other support outside the county if helpful, particularly if you live on the boundaries of Buckinghamshire:

From the Alzheimer’s society 

Self-refer for an occupational therapy assessment

From Buckinghamshire Council


From Buckinghamshire Council – General


From Buckinghamshire Council
Blue Badge scheme for disabled parking Blue Badge scheme for disabled parking | Buckinghamshire Council

For detailed information on transport, see under

Further information

Though not specific to dementia, there is information, including with local support found under

self referral for a SOCIAL CARE needs assessment

A FREE social care needs assessment can help you better understand what your social care needs are and also what your options are supporting those needs.

From Buckinghamshire Council – SELF REFERRAL for social care needs assessment

Explanation of a social care needs assessment

From the NHS
Getting a care needs assessment Getting a care needs assessment – Social care and support guide – NHS

From Buckinghamshire Council

Age UK provide a good explanation  of how a care needs assessment is the first step if you think you need social care
How do I get social care, whether home adaptions or a care home? How do I get a care needs assessment from my local council? The Care Needs Assessment Explained | Age UK

Further information

Though not specific to dementia, there is more detailed information, including with local support found under

self referral for a Carers assessment

From Buckinghamshire Council

Local support and information

From Carers Bucks
Dedicated to supporting carers, providing advice, information, emotional support and workshops and training Carers Bucks | Dedicated to supporting carers – Carers Bucks

From Buckinghamshire Council
I am caring for someone with dementia I am caring for someone with dementia | Buckinghamshire Council

mental health support for carers of people with dementia

From Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
For Carers of people with dementia Courses and groups – NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies, group sessions to understand:

  • More about dementia and how it affects your loved one
  • More about managing stress and low mood that can occur in the role of being a carer
  • How to respond when your relative is distressed and how to cope with the behaviours you find most difficult
  • The opportunity to share experiences with others

Further information

Further information for carers can be found under


As Alzheimer’s society suggest
“A diagnosis of dementia is not in itself a reason to stop driving. One in three people with dementia still drives. However, over time, dementia affects the skills needed for safe driving.” Driving and dementia | Alzheimer’s Society 

Information on legal responsibilities, safety responsibilities to other road users, and also information on self-referral to local mobility centres which can give confidence on the ongoing safety of continuing to drive can be found under

Living well with dementia

It is also possible to look to live well with dementia.

This is well covered by the NHS as part of their dementia guide
Living well with dementia Living well with dementia – NHS

From Age UK
Living well with dementia Tips on living well with dementia | Age UK

From Alzheimer’s society
Daily living Daily living | Alzheimer’s Society 

Local support for wellbeing

Locally there is good support for


Though there is no cure for dementia at present, there are steps you can take to delay the progression and so the impact of dementia. These are covered in detail under


To report a concern about abuse or neglect of an adult, see under

Older Adult Community Mental Health Teams

Though you cannot self-refer to these services, if you are already under the care of the Older adult community mental health team you can contact them directly. The contact details for North Buckinghamshire and South Buckinghamshire can be found under
Older Adult Community Mental Health Teams Older Adult Community Mental Health Teams – Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust



From the Alzheimer’s Society

From Dementia UK
Call our Helpline for free to speak to a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse. Dementia Helpline – Alzheimer’s Helpline – reach out to an Admiral Nurse

social care

Though not specific to dementia, there are national helplines which can support different aspects of social care. These can be found under

What to do if you have a concern about your memory?

Memory problems do not necessarily mean you have dementia. In the question below “How is dementia diagnosed?” there is detailed information on what are the more common features of dementia and also other possible causes of memory loss.

As the NHS suggests
“If you’re worried about your memory, or think you may have dementia, it’s a good idea to see a GP. If you’re worried about someone else’s memory problems, encourage them to make an appointment with a GP and perhaps suggest that you go with them.”
“How to get a dementia diagnosis?”. The NHS website. Retrieved 19th January 2024

Visiting your GP

From the Alzheimer’s Society
Provide “information, advice and support about how to get a dementia diagnosis, and what to expect at each step in the process.” Dementia diagnosis | Alzheimer’s Society

This includes their “Dementia symptoms checklist” which can helping you describe symptoms to a GP or health professional.” The results of this checklist can be shared with your GP.
Dementia symptoms checklist  Dementia symptoms checklist | Alzheimer’s Society

From Buckinghamshire Council
If you are concerned about your memory If you are concerned about your memory | Buckinghamshire Council

From Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
Includes information on local memory services
Memory services Memory services – Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

Information on lowering your risk of dementia can be found under


Naturally patients express concern about what are the differences between typical age-related memory changes which can occur for all of us and signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia. The helpful “10 early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s” from the Alzheimer’s Association highlights these differences.

From Alzheimer’s Association
This is an American website but is included as the information is well presented

From Alzheimer’s Society

The formal diagnosis of dementia involves a simple memory test (referred to in more detail below in links to NICE and Patient info) but also involves exclusion of reversible conditions which can impact on memory such as depression / anxiety and also a few physical conditions such as thyroid disease (requiring some blood tests).

From the NHS
“About Dementia” is a large dementia guide taking you through all aspects of dementia

From Dementia UK


The articles from NICE and Patient info intended for clinicians covers what doctors do to reach a diagnosis.

How should I assess a person with suspected dementia? Assessment | Diagnosis | Dementia | CKS | NICE

From Patient info
Screening for Cognitive Impairment Screening for Cognitive Impairment. Find Screening… | Patient



From the NHS
Dementia guide About dementia – NHS including

From the Alzheimer’s Society
Detailed website covering all aspects of dementia Alzheimer’s Society
This includes helpful sections such as:

From Dementia UK

From the NHS
A substantial guide If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, explaining your options and where you can get support. Social care and support guide – NHS

From Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
Detailed evidence-based guidelines produced for patients based on a systematic review of the scientific literature. Very helpfully the patient booklet, visually shows how strong the evidence is for any treatment recommendation made.
Dementia Dementia (

From the Alzheimer’s Association
This is an American website but is included because of its well-presented information
Help and Support Alzheimer’s Help & Support | Alzheimer’s Association

From Patient info
Memory Loss and Dementia (series of articles including information on medication used for dementia)  Memory Loss and Dementia | Causes and Treatment | Patient

Dementia  Dementia | Health topics A to Z | CKS | NICE

From Oxford Health NHS foundation Trust
Find out more about mental health conditions, treatments and medications, just search under conditions for “Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease”. Provides answers to common questions and also leaflets for common drugs Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Home


Some patients with dementia will need further support at some point of time. There are many articles included in the broad information on dementia above which cover social care. There is also a separate section, which though not specific to dementia, provides information in this area. See under

Support for older people

There is broad local and national support for older people, which goes beyond the specific support for a person with dementia, see under

Dementia friendly organisations

Support for any organisation and members of the public to become dementia friendly

The Alzeihmer’s Society set out on their dementia friends website the steps required for any organisation or any member of the public to become dementia friendly
Dementia friends

Many organisations including GP practices already follow the guidance set out by the Alzheimer’s Society to make an organisation more dementia friendly.

GP practice

The Alzheimer’s Society have set out how a GP supports a patient with dementia

Videos and podcasts

On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of dementia.

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