Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
As NHS England suggest
“A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid. Many carers don’t see themselves as carers and it takes them an average of two years to acknowledge their role as a carer.”
“Who is considered a carer?” NHS England Website. Retrieved 5th December 2023.
For anyone who is a carer, recognising your role as a carer is important because it can allow you to be connected to the local and national support available, that this key role deserves. Some of the local and national support is covered below.
Carers Bucks is a good place to start for any age group, you can ask them for any advice on specific issues on caring or just get general advice. They will be able to signpost you to the correct place locally including any direct support (such as financial) and can also provide you with training.
From Carers Bucks
“Carers Bucks supports unpaid carers and young carers in Buckinghamshire aged 5 – 95+. We provide information, advice, guidance and emotional support.”
Helpline Carers Bucks | Dedicated to supporting carers – Carers Bucks
From Carers Bucks
Complete the Carers Bucks registration form and then
“Once we have received your form, one of our Support Workers will follow up with a telephone call which will give you the opportunity to discuss your caring role in detail. The Support Worker will work with you to resolve any issues or problems you may have in your caring role. If you have an urgent request please highlight this on the form.”
From Buckinghamshire Council
From Mobilise and Buckinghamshire County Council
Further local support can be found under:
From Slough Carers Support
Slough Carers Support including local support groups, carers discount card and more Slough Carers Support – Caring for Carers & Caring for You.
From Buckinghamshire Council
You can ask the council for a carers assessment. You can also at any time apply for a needs assessment for the person you are caring for.
Further information form Buckinghamshire Council which may be helpful for a carer includes
As the NHS suggest
“A carer’s assessment is free and anyone over 18 can ask for one. It’s separate from the needs assessment the person you care for might have, but you can ask to have them both done at the same time.
It might recommend things like:
The NHS explains the Carer’s assessment in more detail
The NHS website explains some of the other different support available for carers in more details
The NHS websites explains benefits for carers and has links to the Gov.UK website where there is further information and you can make a claim.
From the NHS
Benefits for carers Benefits for carers – Social care and support guide – NHS
There is more information on other benefits which may be relevant to carers in the frequently asked questions below. You can also get local support on finances relating to any benefit, and on work see under
There will be further information on carers breaks through the council team after a carers assessment and through Carers Bucks.
As the NHS suggest
“Respite care means taking a break from caring, while the person you care for is looked after by someone else. It lets you take time out to look after yourself and helps stop you becoming exhausted and run down.”
Carers’ breaks and respite care Carers’ breaks and respite care – Social care and support guide – NHS
From Carers First
Carefree is a charity that provides breaks for unpaid carers by working with accommodation providers to turn their empty rooms into priceless short breaks. Carefree breaks for carers | Carers First
From the family information service
Short breaks for children and young people with disabilities Short breaks and respite care for children with SEND | Family Information Service
From Dementia Carers Respite
Though you cannot access a service at present, this gives you an idea of the future possibilities for carers caring for dementia patients in Buckinghamshire. Respite for Families coping with Dementia
The NHS sets out some support young carers can get
From Carers Bucks
Also you may find support which is relevant to you under the sections
Maintaining your mental, social and physical wellbeing in your caring role is very important. This can be harder in the 24/7 nature of some caring or when combining it with work. However, giving yourself time just for yourself can be key to the long-term sustainability of your carer role.
How you can find time for yourself is covered by the two questions in the FAQ section, namely “How can I get time for myself? “and “How can you support someone who is a carer?”
Mind have made some simple suggestions around supporting your wellbeing as a carer.
These can be followed up with local support for wellbeing below
How to look after yourself as a carer Looking after yourself as a carer – Mind
There is local support for wellbeing, see under
If you find you are developing persistent low mood then there is local support
From Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
For Carers of people with dementia Courses and groups – NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies, group sessions to understand:
There is more information on local support for social care and how this might support your role as a carer under
From Buckinghamshire Age UK
Offer advice on all issues of concern to older people, their families, friends and carers Age UK Buckinghamshire | Information and advice for later life
You may find other relevant local and national support on other pages, see under
From Carers Bucks
Adult carers Bucks Adult Carers – Carers Bucks
From Carers Bucks
Young adult carers Bucks Young Adult Carers – Carers Bucks
From Carers Bucks
Young carers Bucks Young Carers – Carers Bucks
From the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
Young Carers Young carers – Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
From Carers UK
Helpline Helpline and other support | Carers UK
From Family Action
For adults caring for a child FamilyLine – Family Action
From the NHS
List of helplines supporting carers ( some directly and some social care support)
Telephone helplines and forums Social care helplines and forums – NHS
Also consider looking under the sections relating to the condition which the person you are caring for may have for further national support, such as
From the NHS – social care and support
From the social care and support guide Social care and support guide – NHS
From the NHS – support and benefits for carers
Support and benefits for carers Support and benefits for carers – Social care and support guide – NHS
From Carers Bucks
Well laid out information which is easy to navigate
From Carers UK
Detailed information including
From Age UK
Help for carers looking after a loved one Help and support for carers respite & support | Age UK
From the NHS
Support and benefits for carers (including carer’s assessments, support from local council , respite care and help for you young carers) Support and benefits for carers – NHS
From Carers UK
Getting financial support Financial support | Carers UK
From Citizens Advice
Carers: help and support Carers: help and support – Citizens Advice
From Carers UK
From Gov UK
From Carers UK
Technology and equipment support Technology and equipment – Carers UK
As Age UK suggest
“It’s important to take a break from care if you need one. Respite care is the term used for services designed to give you a break from caring. It can come in many forms.” Respite care and carers’ breaks – Taking a break from care | Age UK
There are the formal respite services both NHS, private and voluntary, but it is important not to forget informal respite care. Many carers benefit from either family members or friends who will give a carer regular time out. This might be in the form of looking after the person you care for on a regular basis, or taking them out. The benefit of this is that the role is shared to some degree with other people and crucially it gives you time to yourself.
One of the biggest barriers to accessing respite care is one’s own emotion of guilt and anxiety which is very common. It is important though that you understand that if you become stressed, depressed, physically unwell or lonely it will be far harder for you to maintain your carer role. So regular breaks can improve your ability to care, as well as making you much happier in the role.
This is covered by Carers UK
Facing guilt and anxiety Facing guilt & anxiety – Carers UK
From Age UK
Respite care: having a break from caring Respite care and carers’ breaks – Taking a break from care | Age UK
From Carers UK
Supporting you to take a break Supporting you to take a break – Carers UK
See in the local support self-referral section above about how you can be supported with a respite break.
The previous question for a carer “How can I get time for myself?” will give you some ideas how you might be able to make that possible for a carer. Even if that support is done irregularly, it can make a difference and also can make a carer understand that they are not on their own in their role. In many cases family members or friends take it in turns to support a carer and this can be immensely effective.
There are further ideas for friends and family.
From Carers UK
How employers can support carers How employers can support carers – Carers Trust
From Ageing Care
An American website with 10 simple ways to support a carer
How to Be a True Friend to a Family Caregiver 10 Ways to Support a Caregiver –
Some ideas for the person been cared for to support their carer
From Psychology today
How to Help Your Caregiver How to Help Your Caregiver | Psychology Today
Many Carers are entitled to a free flu vaccine whatever your age or other risks
As the NHS suggests
“The flu vaccine is given free on the NHS to people who:
receive a carer’s allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick” Flu vaccine – NHS
On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of support for carers.