School and Further Education


Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:

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Clinical level

As the National Bullying Helpline suggest
All bullying is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. It can affect anyone and we are all potential targets – whether we are adult, child or the bullying is at school, in the community, at work, on line or at home.”
“Information and advice for anyone dealing with bullying.” The National Bullying Helpline website. Retrieved 11th March 2024


Schools have a responsibility to protect their children from bullying and will support you if you are been bullied even if it is happening outside school. This explained further below. For adults there is excellent local support from Citizens Advice.


From Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
“It can feel scary to tell someone and you might worry that if you do the bullying will get worse, but there are always people who can help you. You can talk to your parent or carer, your teacher, or someone who works at your school, or any adult that you trust.”  Bullying – Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership

For Parents or Carers

“If your child is being bullied, you can talk to their school. It doesn’t matter whether the bullying is happening on the premises, outside or on the internet. All schools have a responsibility to protect their pupils from bullying. If your child is being bullied at a club, talk to the person in charge. Helping Children Deal with Bullying & Cyberbullying | NSPCC


From Citizens advice
You can discuss discrimination at work directly with an advisor by contacting a local office in Buckinghamshire

Citizen advice offices in Buckinghamshire

Southern and Central Buckinghamshire

Northern Buckinghamshire

Mental wellbeing

There is support for mental wellbeing which everyone can benefit from, see under


There is support for anxiety and depression which can develop following bullying, see under


A summary of mental health support can be found under


From the National Bullying Helpline

Further national helplines

There are a number of national helplines which can provide both children, parents and adults with some great support. These helplines are detailed below.


From Childline
“You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, it’s better out than in. We’re here to support you.” Get Support | Childline

From Kooth
Kooth Is a free online counselling and emotional wellbeing support service providing young people aged 11-25 years with a safe and secure means of accessing support from a professional team of qualified counsellors. Home – Kooth


From YoungMinds

From Samaritans


From Kidscape
Helping with bullying
Parent Advice Line:  We offer friendly, impartial, non-judgmental information, advice and support to parents, carers, or family members who are concerned about a child – either because they are being bullied, or because they may be involved in bullying others. Parent Advice Line

From Family Lives
A confidential and free helpline for families in England and Wales for emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life. Parentline family support and bullying helpline | Family Lives

Contact the NSPCC helpline: If you’re worried about a child, even if you’re unsure, contact our professional counsellors for help, advice and support. Support for parents | NSPCC


From Citizens advice
Takes you through who you can contact (includes ACAS and EASS) with how they can help you and their helpline numbers.

Citizen Advice also have their own national helpline and you can discuss problems at work such as discrimination with an advisor

From Acas
If you have a workplace problem you want to talk with us about, you can call the Acas helpline.
Acas helpline Contact us | Acas



From National Bullying Helpline
Information and advice for anyone dealing with bullying Information and advice about all forms of bullying

From Family Lives
Bullying Bullying advice | Bullying UK | Family Lives

From Young Minds
Bullying Bullying

From Childline
Bullying and cyberbullying Bullying and cyberbullying | Childline

Bullying and cyberbullying Helping Children Deal with Bullying & Cyberbullying | NSPCC

 From Patient info
Bullying Bullying | Causes and Prevention | Patient

School support

From Gov UK
Bullying at school Bullying at school – GOV.UK


From National Bullying Helpline
Information and advice for anyone dealing with bullying Information and advice about all forms of bullying

From the NHS
Bullying at work  Bullying at work – NHS

From Patient info
Bullying Bullying | Causes and Prevention | Patient

From Gov UK

From Citizens Advice
Discrimination at work Discrimination at work – Citizens Advice


From Family Lives

From University Compare
What to Do About Bullying at University What to Do About Bullying at University | Advice & Info | Uni Compare

Learning disabilities

Learn all about bullying, how to stop it and who can support you.
Bullying All about bullying | Mencap | Learning disability

Online safety and cyberbullying

For information on cyberbullying, see under

preventing bullying

The principles apply both at school, and at work.

From Stop Bullying
An American government website with some good advice  How to Prevent Bullying |

From Gov UK
Preventing bullying Preventing bullying – GOV.UK

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