Mental Health

Other Mental Health Conditions (Adults)

Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:

Quick Read
Clinical level

A number of mental health conditions are covered on this page. There is a separate page on anxiety and depression found under:


In an emergency if you or someone else has seriously injured themselves, taken an overdose or are on the point of doing so call 999 or go directly to A&E. Other support is provided under



Information on the self-referral process from patient info and what to expect
Refer Yourself for NHS Talking Therapy NHS Self Referral for Talking Therapy (Counselling) | Patient

From Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
Provide direct mental health support without you needing to see your GP. This is a free NHS service to patients over the age of 18, who attend a Buckinghamshire GP.

From the NHS
If you move to a GP practice outside Buckinghamshire you can find the local NHS talking therapies service, which you can self-refer to

Broad support over your lifetime

There is broad support over your lifetime such as for wellbeing, finances and much more. This is covered under

Some specific local self – referrals

We include a few specific referrals below:

From Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
“Managing obsessive compulsive disorder “group courses (available to anyone over 18) Courses and groups – NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies

You can self-refer to this service

From Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
One to one support for PTSD using “ Eye movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing “treatment (available to anyone over 18) One to one support – NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies

You can self-refer to this service


From Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
Support with social anxiety (available to anyone over 18) Support we offer – NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies


From Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
Support with low self-esteem (available to anyone over 18) Support we offer – NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies

You can self-refer to these services

From SUN – Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
The Service User Network is a community support group for people with a personality disorder or complex emotional needs. This service is for adults aged 18 and over who live in Buckinghamshire and are registered with a Buckinghamshire GP. SUN membership is through self-referral only. Members are not required to have a formal diagnosis of personality disorder. Anyone who identifies with the difficulties explained on the website link and feels the group may be useful is welcome to join. SUN provides regular community-based peer support groups offering an opportunity for people to share experiences and support one another in a non-judgemental and understanding environment.
Service User Network (SUN) – Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

You can self-refer to this service

Local support for OTHER ISSUES which can impact on mental health

Many issues can contribute to difficulties with mental health. Understanding how a particular issue can be supported can make a real difference, in addition to any of the other treatments used.


Some habits can impact on mental health and getting support for them directly can significantly help in improving mental health. Direct support can be found here for:


Social isolation, issues at college, work or with finances can all impact on mental health. There is some excellent support locally:


Some events in your life can also contribute to changes in mood including bereavement and crime related events and again getting direct support for these issues can help significantly.

Issues at home including relationships

Other issues at home can impact on mental health. See under:

Patient groups

There is support for different patient groups see under
Support For All  this includes as examples

MEDICALly related

Medical conditions such as a long-term condition (e.g., diabetes) can impact on mental health and understanding this and the support available locally can be helpful.


Mental health can be impacted by:

Local and national directory

From Buckinghamshire Mind
Provide a large “database that can be easily searched and navigated so that people with a mental health problem can access the support they need.” Many links will have already been included on this website but you may find some helpful services not included. Buckinghamshire Mind Guide Guides Archive – Bucks Mind

Community adult mental health team

Though you cannot self-refer to these services, if you are already under the care of the community adult mental health team you can contact them directly. The contact details for Aylesbury and Chiltern teams can be found under
Adult Mental Health Teams Adult Mental Health Teams – Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust


There is significant national support for mental health in general with helplines and this can be found in the national self-referral subsection under

We also include a couple of specific national support helplines below.


Contact OCD-UK Contact OCD-UK | OCD-UK


From Combat Stress
A 24-hour helpline for veterans and their families for confidential mental health advice and support. An online self-help is also available for guidance and support. Mental health support for veterans | Combat Stress

Further support

There is further support for veterans found under



There is significant support outside the usual local mental health support in other areas which can impact on mental health such as wellbeing, long term conditions, social aspects (e.g. finances, further education, work etc.) and this can be found under


From the NHS 

From Every Mind Matter
NHS website dedicated to mental health

From the Royal College of Psychiatrists
Well written articles with a section for each condition on self-help organisation and further reading which are worth looking at.
Problems and disorders Mental health problems and disorders | Royal College of Psychiatrists

From Mind
Types of mental health problems Types of mental health problems – Mind

From Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Trust
Have produced multiple mental health self-help leaflets covering various topics. Self Help Leaflets – Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

From Patient info
Includes not only information on conditions but also short feature articles, and information on medication.
Mental Health Mental Health | Depression, Anxiety and Sleep Disorders | Patient

Covers many of the more common mental health conditions (intended for clinicians)
Mental health Mental health | Specialities | CKS | NICE

From the Royal College of General Practitioners
Mental health toolkit
“The Mental Health Toolkit may be used by any primary care professional or general practice in the UK. It is designed to collate resources which inform and support delivery of high-quality mental health care in the primary care setting. Patients and carers concerned about their own mental health, may also find the toolkit useful.” This toolkit combines adult and children mental health care
The table of contents is found under Mental health toolkit: Introduction


Sometimes mental health can be impacted by habits, a role, circumstances such as with work or an event including bereavement. Sometimes been supported with these other issues can be very helpful.

See the “local support self-referral section” section on this page, under “Support for specific issues or circumstances which can impact on mental health” there are links to local and national support which can help.

Advice on life’s challengers from the NHS

From Every Mind Matters
NHS website dedicated to mental health
Dealing with life’s challenges Dealing with life’s challenges – Every Mind Matters – NHS

From the NHS
Advice for life situations and events Advice for life situations and events – NHS

Supporting others advice from the NHS

From Every Mind Matters
NHS website dedicated to mental health
Supporting others Supporting others – Every Mind Matters – NHS

Adult mental health services in Buckinghamshire

From Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

From Oxford Health NHS foundation Trust
Find out more about mental health conditions, treatments and medications, just search for common mental health conditions. Provides answers to common questions and also leaflets for common drugs Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Home

books from your local library

Some patients have found books on mental health, both about managing common mental health conditions, and in some case personal stories very helpful.

From Reading Well
“Reading Well for mental health provides helpful information and support for managing common mental health conditions, or dealing with difficult feelings and experiences.The books are available to borrow from your local library.”
Includes link to your local library 
Mental Health Mental health | Reading Well booklists | Books | Reading Well


Local libraries provide free access to books (including eBooks and eAudiobooks), and Wi-Fi as well as a pleasant environment to read. Libraries also provide some free access to a computer every day.

Information on local library services can be found under



General information on a number of mental health conditions are included below.


From the NHS, Royal College of Psychiatrists, and Patient info
Personality disorders

From Mind
Personality disorders What are personality disorders? – Mind


From Oxford Health NHS Foundation Service
Information about who can be referred and the service
Complex Needs Service Complex Needs Service – Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust


From the NHS, Royal College of Psychiatrists and Patient info
Social anxiety (social phobia)

health anxiety

From the NHS
Health anxiety Health anxiety – NHS

medically unexplained symptoms

From the NHS and the Royal College of Psychiatrists
Medically unexplained symptoms

Patient info
How to get help for hypochondria and health anxiety Are you a hypochondriac? Where to find help for health anxiety | Patient

Information on Autism

Autism is covered in detail (including local support up to the age of 25) under

We recommend you review this section for local and national support of autism and further information.

Diagnosis as an adult

The diagnosis in adults (in contrast to those aged under 18) does require a GP referral.

From National Autistic Society
Diagnostic assessment – a guide for adults who think they might be autistic Adults

From the NHS
How to get diagnosed How to get diagnosed with autism – NHS 

Autism in Adults Autism in adults | Health topics A to Z | CKS | NICE

From the NHS and Patient info

From Mind
“Explains anger, some possible causes and how it can make you feel and act. There’s practical suggestions for what you can do and where you can go for support.” When is anger a problem? – Mind

Videos and podcasts

On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering various mental health conditions.

DISCLAIMER: This website is provided for information only and does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It does not replace the advice, diagnosis and treatment provided by a medical professional. We will not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury that arises from the use of this website.

Links are provided for information only and though we endeavour to ensure the information is accurate, we cannot accept responsibility for the sites linked to or the information found on these sites. A link to a site does not indicate approval or support of the site. While we endeavour to make sure that downloadable content is free from viruses, we cannot accept any liability for damage resulting from a virus infection.

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