School and Further Education

Further Education (including University)

Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:

Quick Read
Clinical level


The NHS provide a simple introduction on starting as a student
Getting medical care as a student – NHS


From Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
The Buckinghamshire NHS psychology service (available to anyone over 18)
“Are you a student or young adult”. Working with you – NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies

Further local support

There is local support for physical, mental and social wellbeing. There is further information on local mental health support. Adult education is available for anyone who has left school or further education and wants to develop new skills.


For all of us even without a health condition an attention to mental, social and physical wellbeing can be helpful.

Good physical wellbeing can support the treatment of a number of health conditions, and includes local support in the areas of

Reducing risk factors for some health conditions is well supported locally


There is support for anxiety and depression see under


There is support for a range of mental health conditions, see under

Search for university mental health support

From Student Minds

  • Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity, empowering “students and members of the university community to look after their own mental health, support others and create change”. They give advice were to seek support at your university and consider different aspects of student life. Student Minds – Home
  • Find support at your university. Find support at your university | Student Space

From Nightline Association
“Our mission is to raise the quality, profile, availability, and accessibility of Nightline services so that every student is aware of, and has access to, confidential emotional peer support”

  • Nightlines are confidential, anonymous, non-judgmental, non-directive and non-advisory support services run by students for students.
  • Find Your Nightline Type in your University Want to Talk? – Nightline Association

Please note at present a number of local universities have no nightlines, though for students who live locally but are studying at universities further afield there are numerous universities which have nightlines.

Specific support for local university students

From Bucks Student’s Union – for Buckinghamshire New University students
Mental health support (includes “an advice centre with free confidential support and advice to students on any issues they may be dealing with” and a “free counselling service.”)  Mental Health Support 

From Buckinghamshire New University
Mental Health Mental Health | Buckinghamshire New University

From the University of Buckingham
Wellbeing, Skills and Diversity (If you scroll down to the bottom of this wellbeing page there are links to a range of support including for mental health) Wellbeing, Skills and Diversity | University of Buckingham

Adult education

There is information on local workshops and free courses with a local helpline to support learning as an adult. This can help with getting a job or provide life skills such as learning how to use a computer and the internet. See under


support for every age

From Student Minds
Support Services: “One-to-one support for whatever challenge you’re facing, designed for students. Whether it’s your mental health, your studies, money, housing or relationships, we’re here to support you”. Support services | Student Space

From Samaritans
“You can get in touch about anything that’s troubling you, We’re here to listen, no judgement, no pressure, and help you work through what’s on your mind. We’ll never tell you what to do. We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen


Get Support Essential support for under 25s Get Support – The Mix



From Young Minds
Transitioning from school to further education Transitioning to further education | Resources | YoungMinds

From Student Minds
Resources: Transition into University Transition into University – Student Minds


From the NHS

From UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service)
Getting undergraduate student support Student support services for personal or academic problems

From UKCISA (UK Council for International Student Affairs)
Though the website is intended for international students there is much information which will help all students. Hover over “Info and Advice” and which brings up a mega menu which includes some helpful sections particularly “Studying and living in the UK”. UKCISA – international student advice and guidance – Studying in the UK?

From Young Minds
Looking after yourself at uni Looking After Yourself At Uni | How To Look After Yourself At Uni | YoungMinds

From Student Minds
Advice and information on preparing for university, mental health and wellbeing, friendship and social life. Home | Student Space

From NHS England
Download short guide
GP online services: promoting to students NHS England » GP online services: promoting to students

Health and Student life

From Patient info
This information can be applied to any further education after school. This is an excellent and wide ranging with many articles on student life.
Student Health University Health Advice | Students | Patient


From Mind
An excellent hub with lots of information around coping as a student
Student mental health hub  Student mental health hub – Mind

From the NHS

From Student Room
Advice for students dealing with anxiety Advice for students dealing with anxiety | The Student Room

Mental health in students Mental health in students | Health topics A to Z | CKS | NICE

Student vaccinations

There is general information on vaccines and in particular, on some important vaccines students may have missed in the past. See “frequently asked questions“  – ”For college and university students: What vaccines are considered important if missed in the past? ”. See under

From Family Lives

From University Compare
What to Do About Bullying at University What to Do About Bullying at University | Advice & Info | Uni Compare

Further information

For more information on support following bullying, see under

Health conditions

For information on health conditions see under

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