Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
From Be Healthy Bucks
Be a healthier weight Home – Be Healthy Bucks
From Be Healthy Bucks
From the School Nursing Team (Buckinghamshire NHS Healthcare Trust)
For school age children
“In Year 6, we’ll measure and weigh your child again as part of the National Childhood Measurement Programme (NCMP).” The NCMP is explained by NHS choices The National Child Measurement Programme – NHS
If your child missed their height and weight check you can contact the school nurse
School nursing School nursing – Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust – CYP Website
From the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme – delivered by Living Well Taking Control
Find out your risk score by completing the “Know your Risk tool” ARE YOU AT RISK? | diabetes-prevention
If you score is 16 or higher, you may be at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Contact your GP practice about having a blood test and to check your eligibility to access the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme.
Further information on how you can self-register for the course and what the course offers:
“If your GP has sent you a letter or text which confirms that you are at risk of Type 2 diabetes, you are able to register for the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme.
Fill in the form with your blood test reading SELF-REFERRAL FORM | diabetes-prevention
From the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme – delivered by Living Well Taking Control
Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West: Includes a patient leaflet which you can download BUCKS, OXFORD & BERKSHIRE WEST | diabetes-prevention
You can check if you have diabetes and what your cholesterol is with a blood test, as part of an
If you wish to have a diabetes blood test separate to an NHS health check this can be done through your GP practice.
From the NHS
There is more information under self-referral to local support on this page.
If you are diabetic your specialist team or GP practice will have advised you about healthy weight, exercise, and healthy eating and you should follow their advice. It is also worth reading the articles below from Diabetes UK on healthy weight, exercise and healthy eating
From Diabetes UK
Healthy Weight
Weight loss and diabetes Weight loss and diabetes | Diabetes UK
Healthy Eating
From NHS Better Health
Lose weight (includes apps and weight loss plans) Lose weight – Better Health – NHS
From the NHS
From the British Dietetic Association (BDA)
Weight loss food fact sheet Weight Loss | British Dietetic Association (BDA)
From the British Heart Foundation
From Patient info
Weight Loss Weight Loss (Weight Reduction) | How to Lose Weight | Patient
Also, in the health living section there is a section on “Information on Weight Loss (Weight Reduction)” and separately on “Information on Obesity and Overweight” both of which include a number of articles and features relating to weight loss
Healthy Living Healthy Living | Patient
CKS obesity Obesity | Health topics A to Z | CKS | NICE
Importantly you can also consider how one can make any changes part of a new lifestyle which is much more likely to make the changes permanent. More information can be found under:
From the NHS
From Change4Life
From Diabetes UK
A healthy weight can be part of reducing diabetes risk (included with a healthy diet and exercise):
Other information on help reducing diabetes risk (including self-referral information) can be found here:
Importantly you can also consider how one can make any changes part of a new lifestyle which is much more likely to make the changes permanent. More information can be found under:
Your heart age gives you an idea of how healthy your heart is.
An NHS Health Check can give you a more accurate number for your heart age by including a cholesterol blood test result and blood pressure result. However, the calculator below will give you some idea of your heart age if you are not eligible for an NHS health check or decide not to have one.
From the NHS
Calculate your heart age Calculate your heart age – NHS
If you take your blood pressure at home or with your local pharmacy you can also check what your blood pressure reading means and get information what to do next
From the NHS
Check your blood pressure reading Check your blood pressure reading – NHS
Apart from the information on healthy weight on this page there is more information on improving your heart age (including self-referral information to local support) under:
On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of healthy weight (physical wellbeing).