Physical Wellbeing

Lifestyle changes


Taking a long-term view
It is important to acknowledge that making any health change is not easy but changes which are included in a long-term change of lifestyle are much more likely to be permanent.

This is emphasised by the BDA (Association of UK Dieticians) in the case of weight loss where they suggest “There is no quick fix. People who successfully lose weight and keep it off develop techniques to make their new lifestyle and activity habits an enjoyable way of life and also make them life long.” Obesity and overweight  . This approach can be applied in all areas of possible change.

Taking a positive approach
We all give reasons why we cannot make changes, but if we can take a positive approach to any change and also challenge our own thinking which is preventing us make the changes then it can become much easier. This is demonstrated in the following examples


From the American Heart Association
How to Break Bad Habits and Change Behaviors How to Break Bad Habits and Change Behaviors | American Heart Association

From Harvard Health Publishing (Harvard Medical School) 

Examples of how to set realistic goals

From Live Well Dorset
How to set realistic weight loss goals How to set realistic weight loss goals · LiveWell Dorset

From With You
How to set realistic goals to reduce alcohol How to set realistic goals – With You

The importance of replacing old habits with new ones which give you pleasure

From With You
How to break a habit How to break an alcohol or drug habit – With You

The psychology of making changes to your lifestyle

From the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Changing Your Habits for Better Health Changing Your Habits for Better Health | NIDDK

From Psychology Today
Permanent Weight Loss Motivation: What It Takes Permanent Weight Loss Motivation: What It Takes | Psychology Today

Targeting a better quality of life – live longer better approach

For some having a broad vision for their health is more motivating. The live longer better approach under Live longer better, considers a broad vision for our health, whatever our age.

It is clear that improving physical wellbeing (healthy diet, healthy weight and exercise), mental and social wellbeing together, as well as paying attention to any risk factors such as smoking and excess alcohol, can whatever our baseline improve our overall health and will also improve our quality of life whatever age we live to.

Further information on making life style changes with local support can be found under

Preventing or reducing the impact of many long-term conditions

Some will be motivated to prevent or reduce the impact of many long-term conditions such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and chronic pulmonary disease. There is more information on reducing risk under

Which includes for example

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