Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
“More than 9 million people in the UK say they feel lonely some or most of the time. So if loneliness is affecting your life, you’re not alone.”
“Get help with loneliness.” British Red Cross. Retrieved 16th January 2024
There is significant help locally for all ages. This includes social activities, volunteering opportunities, education, befriending services, specific support for older people and direct support for any age overcoming loneliness.
Click on the links below to access local support:
As NHS England suggest
“Social prescribing involves helping patients to improve their health, wellbeing and social welfare by connecting them to community services which might be run by the council or a local charity. For example, signposting people who have been diagnosed with dementia to local dementia support groups.”
“Social prescribing”. NHS England. Retrieved 8th February 2024
NHS England » Social prescribing
If in post, you can access a social prescriber either attached to your practice or primary care network (local group of practices your practice is part of). Further information on how to do this, if available, look on your practice website under the page “Contact details and self-referral” (see in section “in practice self referrals”).
If a social prescriber is not available through your GP practice or PCN then you can contact connection support who offer a similar service.
From Connection Support
Prevention matters is a free service in Buckinghamshire that can help introduce you to local support and community groups Prevention Matters – Connection Support
From Buckinghamshire Council
From the Family Information Service
Things to do for families in Buckinghamshire Things to do | Family Information Service
From Visit Buckinghamshire
Activities which families could do in Buckinghamshire
Family Fun Attraction – Family Fun – Visit Buckinghamshire
From Buckinghamshire Mind
Local walking and other exercise groups can be a great source of social interaction. There is more information under
There may be other local activities which have not been included on this page which can be found under
Befriending services can be of huge help:
From Age UK Buckinghamshire
Befriending plus: matching trained volunteers to older people who have limited social contact Befriending plus
From the Royal Volunteering Service
Provide practical help and companionship including with social activities Help Supporting People | Home Support | Royal Voluntary Service
From Reengage
In most cases, their services are for people aged 75 and over. “Our group and one-to-one activities will help you expand your social circle in a friendly, safe environment.” Join a group Social activity groups for older people & befriending service
Volunteering can make a big difference to your community but it can also be a great way to meet new people.
From Community Impact Bucks (Provider of the volunteer centre for Buckinghamshire)
There is also more information on volunteering in the services section under
There are many group learning activities locally for all ages which can be found under
From Buckinghamshire Mind
For adults
“Our Befriending service offers short term support to adults in Buckinghamshire who are lonely or isolated as a result of mental illness.”
Befriending Buckinghamshire Mind – Befriending
From Buckinghamshire Mind
For adults
“Peer support groups offer the opportunity to socialise and take part in activities with people who share similar experiences.” Includes one group that supports people who are currently experiencing mental health difficulties and another group which supports people in recovery from mental health difficulties.
Peer Support Peer Support Groups – Bucks Mind
On linked practice websites under the page “local community and health campaigns” links have been included to social activities for all ages in the vicinity of the practice.
Your local parish council website will often provide information on social activities for all ages in the local area. The main parish council local to your practice will have been included on your practice website under “local community and health campaigns”. However, it is possible, particularly if you live on the boundary of the practice, that you may benefit from looking at what is available from other local parish councils. Buckinghamshire Council provide a list of all the Parish Councils in Bucks including if available their website.
From NHS Care Volunteer Responders
“Check In and Chat: Volunteers are available to provide a friendly phone call and a listening ear, the service is free, and you don’t need to be referred by a doctor.” Volunteer Support Services | NHS and Care Volunteer Responders
From Support Line
Telephone support for socially isolated, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse SupportLine – Confidential Emotional Support for Children, Young Adults and Adults
From the British Red Cross
Call our free confidential support line for advice on loneliness support. Get help with loneliness | British Red Cross
From The Silver Line
A support telephone helpline offering conversation and friendship, link calls to local groups, and provide advice. Helping you | The Silver Line Helpline
From Independent Age
“We run Good to Know Groups as part of our Telephone Groups. These one-off events offer social and learning opportunities to people who may not be online or who may struggle to get out. Think of these groups like a cup of tea and a chat at a community centre, but over the phone in the comfort of your living room.” Good to Know Groups | Independent Age
Most people will feel lonely at some point in their lives. There are many steps we can take to help including:
From the NHS
Feeling Lonely Get help with loneliness – NHS
From Better Health – Every Mind Matters NHS
Dealing with loneliness Loneliness – Every Mind Matters – NHS
From Mind
How can I manage loneliness Tips to manage loneliness | Mind
From Young Minds
A guide for young people: Loneliness How To Cope With Loneliness | Mental Health Advice | YoungMinds
From Marmalade Trust
This is a detailed website with some great ideas
Marmalade Trust is the UK’s leading loneliness charity for all ages
From the NHS
Loneliness in older people Loneliness in older people – NHS
From Age UK
Combating loneliness Combating elderly loneliness | Age UK
From Independent Age
Loneliness Loneliness | Independent Age
On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of social wellbeing.