Primary Care Networks (PCNs)


What is a self-referral

As Patient info suggests for NHS services
“Did you know that there are some free NHS health services you can access without needing an appointment with your GP? This is called self-referral and could help you find the care you need quicker and more easily than going through your surgery.” Self-referral (

Finding a self-referral

Bucks Health Hub holds over 500 self-referrals. Many are supported by local and national charities but there are also important services funded by the local NHS and council. You can find any self-referral by finding the relevant topic page using the main menu or search function, explained under

  • Bucks Health Services – Most pages are split into sections which include “Local Support Self Referral” and “National Support Self Referral”.

common self-referrals

In the sections below you can find some common self-referrals accessed in Buckinghamshire. At the bottom of the page you can also find out how self-referrals can support a broad (holistic) approach to your health.

Some highlighted self-referrals


Common self-referrals used in Buckinghamshire

Below is listed some of the more common self-referrals. These lists are not exhaustive and exclude many important self- referrals which can be found by searching for the relevant topic page on Bucks Health Hub.

Healthy living

Local support to help develop a healthy lifestyle

Disease prevention


  • Screening – includes diabetic eye, breast, bowel, aortic aneurysm and chlamydia screening
  • Vaccinations – includes catch up vaccination clinics for school age children


General wellbeing for everyone

Mental Health


Health conditions


NHS Community services


Other community services


  • Pharmacy – includes common infection treatments, BP checks, contraception support and much more
  • Optician – can refer people with certain conditions directly to hospital for treatment (e.g., squints, glaucoma and cataracts)
  • Dentist
  • Palliative care team and end of life support End of life care

Navigating the local health system


Self-referrals can support a broad approach to your health

On occasions a broad (holistic) approach which looks beyond just a medical condition can be helpful. This is illustrated in a number of diagrams for different groups. Just click on links in each diagram to take you to the relevant page

Age groups


Benefits of taking a broad (holistic) approach to health

From the Nursing and Midwifery Council

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