Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
“Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility”
“Each and every one of us in Wales has a responsibility for keeping people safe from harm and neglect.”
Huw Irranca-Davies Minister for Social Care Wales
“Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility”. From Gov.Wales website. Retrieved 12th May 2022
Mr. Irranca-Davies went further than just referring to everyone in an individual organisation which might deal with vulnerable adults (such as social care) but included everyone and the same can be said locally where a responsibility lies with all of us.
How to discuss or make referrals yourself to the appropriate authorities is explained in the questions below:
From Buckinghamshire Council
From the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Boards
Report a concern – public advice Report a Concern – Public advice – Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board
You can share or discuss any concern through ACT Early
From ACT Early
The advice line is designed for members of the public to use, especially friends and family, or those who work with vulnerable or young people in volunteering roles.
From Gov UK
“Find out how the Prevent programme supports people who are at risk of becoming involved with terrorism through radicalisation.”
Get help for radicalisation concerns Get help for radicalisation concerns – GOV.UK
From Hourglass
Helpline: “Our confidential services provide information and support to an older person or anyone concerned about an older person who is at risk of, experiencing or recovering from any form of abuse or neglect.” Hourglass Services | Hourglass
From Buckinghamshire Council
From the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Boards
Information on Adult’s Safeguarding in Buckinghamshire (See under information for the Public) Home – Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board
From the NHS
Abuse and neglect of adults Abuse and neglect of adults at risk (safeguarding) – Social care and support guide – NHS
From Age UK
What to do if you are worried about someone Worried or concerned about an older person? | Age UK
From Patient info
Safeguarding Adults Safeguarding Adults. Information on safeguarding adults | Patient
Domestic abuse Domestic abuse | Health topics A to Z | CKS | NICE
From NHS England
What is safeguarding and why is it important to us? NHS England » About NHS England Safeguarding
From the Royal College of General Practitioners
Intended for GP practices but some useful information and links