Relationships (including support for parents)

Better Relationships


COUPLE THERAPY and interpersonal therapy

Couple therapy for depression is funded by the NHS but you will need a referral from the NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies (IAPT) service. How to get a referral from the local NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies service is explained in the links below (without you needing to see your GP).

From Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies (for over 18)

  • Couples Therapy for Depression is recommended as one of the treatments for depression. This is provided on behalf of NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies by Relate. This brief therapy is for people in committed relationships where there is both relationship distress, and depression in one or both partners.” One to one support – NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
  • Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is one of the recommended treatments for depression. It focuses on your relationships with others and problems you may be having in your relationships, such as difficulties with communication or coping with loss.” One to one support – NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies
  • Self referral and contact us options (Scroll to the bottom of the page to click on)


From Relate Mid-Thames and Buckinghamshire

From the NHS
Find relationship counselling services (helpful if you live on the boundaries of the county)  Find relationship counselling services – NHS


From Alternatives to Conflict Bucks
“Our help in neighbour, community and family disputes is completely free. We facilitate discussions that lead to jointly agreed solutions.”  Home – Mediation Bucks

Further local support

Other local support for relationships, includes improving mental wellbeing and mental health which can make a big difference to relationships. Good parent child relationships can significantly support family dynamics. Relationships can be impacted by money,  work and addiction. There is support for the victims of bullying and domestic abuse.


Good mental wellbeing can support relationships making them more resilient.


On occasions when relationships are under significant strain this can lead to anxiety and sometimes depression. There is good local support for mental health conditions for both children, young people and adults including with

Alcohol and drugs

High levels of alcohol or drugs can impact on relationships and mental health. There is good local support to help with

Social wellbeing

We can all be affected by social isolation at any point in our life. There is information on how to tackle social isolation (loneliness) including local support, which can help build new relationships, see under


There is both local and national support to help with the relationship between parents and children, see under

Finances and work

Money and work can impact on relationships. There is local and national support to help with


Bullying can occur in any relationship, particularly at school or work, but also on occasions at home. There is good support for the victims of bullying


The worst type of relationships include domestic abuse. For support for the victims of domestic abuse, see under

Gambling and addiction

Alcohol and drugs can impact on relationships as on occasions can gambling. There is local and national support, see under



From Childline
Helpline “You can talk to us about anything. No problem is too big or too small.” Contacting Childline | Childline


From Family Lives
A confidential helpline service for families for emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life. Parentline family support and bullying helpline | Family Lives



From Family Lives

From Relate
Get Help with: click on category “Children and young people” Get Help | Relate

From the Children’s Society
Abusive teenage relationships Teenage Relationship Abuse | The Children’s Society

From the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
Healthy Relationships Healthy Relationships – Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership


From Relate
Cover a wide range of relationship problems
Get Help with: click on the various categories of relationship problem Get Help | Relate

From Family Lives
When your relationship isn’t working  Family Lives

From the Gottman Institute
Professor Gottman and Dr J Gottman- American researchers on relationships
Their very simple four horsemen metaphor and its antidotes are a good starting point in building a stronger relationship as we can all say at some point even if in a minor way, we have been guilty of the four horsemen approach.


Help with making the best decisions and so achieving the best results for your family and yourself.

From Only Mums

From Only Dads

From Family Lives
Divorce and separation Divorce advice | Family Lives

From Relate
Get Help with: click on category “Separation and divorce” Get Help | Relate

From Gov UK
Separating or divorcing: what you need to do Separating or divorcing: what you need to do – GOV.UK

From Citizens advice
Family Family – Citizens Advice

Conflict or separation – reducing the impact on children

From Anna Freud
“Our clinical team at the Centre has put together some tips for parents and carers experiencing conflict, and advice on reducing the impact of conflict between parents and carers on children.”
Parents and carers in conflict or separating Parents and carers in conflict or separating | Anna Freud

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