Oversight and Support System Organisations

Conditions which may not be funded on the NHS (HOSPITAL)

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LOW PRIORITY FUNDING for hospital care

The Integrated Care Board Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West suggest
“To make sure that the NHS can provide the best care for the maximum number of people it is vital that every penny is spent wisely. This means only funding treatments that have been demonstrated to work and where there is also a high likelihood of benefit for as many people as possible and a low likelihood of harm. We always must bear in mind that carrying out treatment that is not of great health benefit uses up resources that could be spent on really making a difference elsewhere.

We may decide that a treatment or procedure should not be routinely funded because:

Searching for treatments which usually will not be funded

There are many treatments, covered in commissioning policy statements, which will not usually be funded on the NHS, many of these relate to hospital care.

From the Integrated Care Board Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West
You can view the individual commissioning policy statements for each treatment by looking at the different categories of policy statements.

If funding is to be considered then an Individual Funding Request (IFR) is required
An IFR is an application to fund healthcare that is not usually funded by the NHS. These requests are considered by an IFR Panel which considers evidence of clinical and cost-effectiveness, as well as equity for the whole population. Individual funding requests are explained in more detail including frequently asked questions (You need to scroll down to the bottom of the linked page to find the FAQs):

Finding the individual funding request criteria
The criteria for funding are usually found in the individual commissioning policy statements for each treatment

Unless the strict criteria are met then funding is not likely to be approved. The IFR committee does not meet often so there is generally a time delay before a funding decision is made. 

Low priority treatments are not declined because of their relative importance to individual patients
Unfortunately, there is not enough money to fund every possible type of operation, procedure and medication so decisions have to be made as to what will be available for everyone and what has to be restricted.

Further information

Some common treatments which will usually not be funded are included below.

General treatments

Other conditions subject to restrictions include

  • Assisted conception services if female > 35 years old
  • Breast prosthesis removal and replacement – PIP Implants
  • Complementary and Alternative Therapies including: Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Hypnosis, Osteopathy, and Chiropractic
  • Facet Joint Injections & Medial Branch Blocks for chronic neck pain – Therapeutic
  • Female Sterilisation
  • Hernia (Umbilical):
  • Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) (Willis-Ekbom disease)
  • Reversal of Female Sterilisation
  • Reversal of Male Sterilisation (vasectomy)
  • Varicose Veins

Aesthetic/ Cosmetic procedures

Aesthetic/ Cosmetic procedures includes

  • Aesthetic/Cosmetic Breast Surgery (e.g., Breast augmentation, female breast reduction, male breast reduction for gynaecomastia)
  • Benign skin lesions (i.e., non-cancerous skin lesions): Dermatofibromas (skin growths), Naevi (benign pigmented naevi, epidermal, haemangioma, moles, spider, congenital and port-wine, Sebaceous cysts (pilar and epidermoid cysts), Seborrhoeic keratosis (benign skin growths, basal cell papilloma, senile warts), Skin tags, Tattoo (removal or revision), Telangiectasia (HHT, spider veins and thread veins), Vitiligo, Warts (plantar including verrucae, filiform and common), Laser removal of skin lesions,
  • Lipoma and Lipomata (fat deposits underneath the skin)
  • Excess skin removal
  • liposuction,
  • Eyelid surgery (including Chalazia/ Meibomian Cysts)
  • Cosmetic nose surgery
  • Reconstruction/revision of nose surgery
  • reconstruction /revision of external ear (e.g., lobe repair)
  • aesthetic/cosmetic genital surgery (male or female),
  • treatments for hirsutismhair depilation,
  • electrolysis for hair removal,

Options if your treatment is not funded by the NHS

If the treatment you want is not funded on the NHS and you want to proceed then there is further information on some aspects of private care, see under:

Conditions which may not be treated in general practice

Information on what treatments may not be offered in general practice, see under

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