Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and Practices

Practice Doctors

What does a GP do?

As Health Careers suggest
General practitioners (GPs) treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment. Health Careers include further information on what a GP does General practice (GP) | Health Careers

From NHS England
General practice- the best place to work NHS England » General practice – the best place to work.

From the Royal College of Practitioners
Young people interested in general practice can find out more about this fantastic career.
Aspiring medics Aspiring Medics | RCGP

From National Careers Service
General practitioner, doctor GP | Explore careers | National Careers Service

From the Royal College of Practitioners
GP work experience GP work experience

Many GPs will have started in other doctor training programmes (roles) and then switched to becoming a GP for various reasons. They can bring specialist skills such as more mental health training, surgical skills, public health training all of which can be applied in general practice and bring other perspectives.

Some of these other roles as suggested by Health Careers include
Roles as a doctor Roles for doctors | Health Careers

GMC number

You can search for any doctor’s GMC number, registration status, training and other useful information under The medical register – GMC.

Understand mean net GP earnings

As part of the government’s aim for transparency of public workers’ pay, it is a contractual requirement for GP practices to publish the mean net earnings for all GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice. This should be published on the practice website.

The mean net earnings figure is the average pay after relevant expenditure and is calculated as follows:
Total relevant income / number of GPs = mean total

Note this calculation is worked out on a head-count basis of GPs in the practice, not on the number of sessions worked or how much time is worked in the practice by each GP. For this and other reasons it is difficult for you to compare different GP practices using this figure.

How the calculation is made

From the British Medical Association
Further information on how the mean net earnings figure for GPs in the practice is derived is explained under Publishing GP net earnings

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