Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
Your specialist team will have advised you about exercise, healthy eating and healthy weight and you should follow their advice. It is also worth reading the articles below from Diabetes UK on exercise, eating and weight.
Good physical wellbeing can support the treatment of diabetes, and includes local support in the areas of
Reducing risk factors, if relevant, are well supported locally
From Diabetes UK
Healthy Eating
Healthy Weight
Support for a child or young person with a long term condition needs to be broader than just focusing on medical needs but also involves considering what matters to them in supporting their overall wellbeing. This is delivered as personalised care which includes local support for physical, mental and social wellbeing. See under
In particular mental health support may be helpful on some occasions.
From Diabetes UK
Get specialist advice on all aspects of living with diabetes Diabetes UK Helpline | Diabetes UK
Type 1 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes found in children, though type 2 diabetes does occur in children.
From the NHS
Diabetes Diabetes – NHS
From Diabetes UK
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Type 1 diabetes
From Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Advice about your child’s condition includes leaflets on the management of diabetes Paediatrics – Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Type 2 diabetes though far less common than type 1 diabetes Nearly 1,600 children in England living with type 2 diabetes | Diabetes UK but is equally important.
From Diabetes UK
children and type 2 diabetes Children and type 2 diabetes | Guide to diabetes | Diabetes UK
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Type 2 diabetes
From Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
Detailed evidence-based guidelines produced for patients based on a systematic review of the scientific literature. Very helpfully the patient booklet, visually shows how strong the evidence is for any treatment recommendation made.
Diabetes Diabetes (
From Patient info
Diabetes centre Diabetes Type 1 & 2 | Patient
From Lab tests online UK
How is protein in the urine measured accurately (proteinuria) in diabetes?
From Lab tests online UK
Urine Albumin to Creatinine Ratio or ACR Urine Albumin
From the NHS
From Gov UK
See under chapter 25 of the Green Book
Pneumoccocal vaccine see table 25.2 Immunisation against infectious disease: the green book front cover and contents page – GOV.UK
More information on vaccinations and who should have the pneumococcal vaccine see under
On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of diabetes.