Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
As NICE suggests
“There are 1.7 million children and young people in England with long-term conditions such as asthma, diabetes and epilepsy.”
“Managing long-term conditions in the community.” National institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Retrieved 8th February 2024.
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health suggest
“Many long term conditions develop during childhood; these children are more likely to develop mental health conditions and should be supported to navigate the transition from child to adult health services.”
“Long term conditions.” Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health website. Retrieved 8th February 2024
Support for a child or young person with a long term condition needs to be broader than just focusing on medical needs but also involves considering what matters to them in supporting their overall wellbeing.
Good physical wellbeing can support the treatment of a number of health conditions, and includes local support in the areas of
Reducing risk factors for some health conditions are well supported locally
Long-term conditions can impact on mental health. There is good local mental health support which can be accessed directly
There is support for social wellbeing, see under
The social side of life can impact on physical and mental health. There is good local and national support included with the links below.
Some habits can impact health including
Present circumstances can be important including
Some events in your life can also impact physical health including
There is support for different patient groups see under
Support For All this includes as examples
Issues at home can be important including
Much of the information here applies to adults but some aspects are relevant to children and may also help parents consider how they support their child with a significant long-term condition.
From the Patients Association
From Patient info
Living with a Long-term Condition Living with a Long-term Condition. Health management info | Patient
Long-term conditions can have an impact on mental health and this is explained below
From the Royal College of Psychiatrists
Coping with physical illness Physical illness | Royal College of Psychiatrists
From the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Long term conditions Long term conditions – RCPCH – State of Child Health
Information on support for adults with long term conditions can be found under
Children and young people with certain long term conditions are at higher risk of more serious illness with flu including sepsis. For this reason, the NHS provides free flu vaccinations in higher risk groups whatever your age. See under
There are a number of other vaccinations which may be relevant to you. See under
Children and young people with certain long-term conditions can be at higher risk from sepsis. Having some basic knowledge of the symptoms and signs of sepsis can allow you to identify when someone is becoming seriously ill earlier and take immediate action. This is explained under