Private Community Services (including pharmacies and opticians)


Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:

Quick Read
Clinical level

Emergency dental treatment

The NHS  explains what to do in an emergency or out of hours, including how 111 can support you.
How can I access an NHS dentist in an emergency or out of hours? – NHS

As the NHS suggests
“Do not contact a GP, as they will not be able to offer urgent or emergency dental care.
If necessary, a dentist is able to prescribe antibiotics and pain killers for dental problems.


From the BMA (British Medical Association)
Patients presenting with dental problems

Local dental treatment

You can find a local dentist using the NHS search function
Find a dentist – NHS

From the NHS

What to do if you cannot find a local dentist

As the NHS suggest
“if you’ve been unable to find a dentist and you want to raise your concerns about this, contact your local integrated care board (ICB). Integrated care boards (ICBs) commission dental services in England and are required to meet the needs of their local population for both urgent and routine dental care.”
How to find an NHS dentist – NHS

From the Integrated Care Board Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West
Provide information on what to do if you can not find a local dentist and answers to some common questions Dentists | BOB ICB

Further information

Some other important questions about the service and treatment can be found below:

support for people with special needs

From the NHS
Dental treatment for people with special needs – NHS


A common question is:
If you are having dental treatment and you are on an anticoagulant (blood thinner) should you stop your medication before the procedure?

This is particularly dependent on your bleeding risk from the procedure which only your dentist can determine and advise you on using guidance which might include:

Anticoagulation – oral  Anticoagulation – oral | Topics A to Z | CKS | NICE

From Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme

Your GP will not know or fully understand what your bleeding risk is as they do not have the training in this area nor will they be part of the decision what procedure is required. Your dentist will have had pharmaceutical training on anticoagulants and with their guidelines (including those referred to above) you can be confident they will be making the right decisions.

Dental costs

Common dental and oral conditions

Simple information

From Buckinghamshire Council
Dental Health: Public Health Bucks provide some very basic but good advice to follow to maintain dental health Dental health (


From the Oral Health Foundation

Detailed information from a national charity about common dental conditions

From the NHS

From Patient info
Oral and Dental Care | Patient

Oral health | Specialities | CKS | NICE

From the College of General Dentistry
NEW – Standards & guidance – College of General Dentistry

From the Faculty of Dental Surgery (Royal College of Surgeons)
Publications & Guidelines — Royal College of Surgeons


From the NHS


Oral thrush and mouth ulcers can often be treated by your local pharmacist. The articles below explain when you might need to see a dentist or GP.

You can find your local pharmacist using the NHS search function
Find a pharmacy – NHS

Oral thrush

From the NHS
A local pharmacist can treat oral thrush for any adult or child over 4 months
Oral thrush (mouth thrush) – NHS

Mouth Ulcers

If mouth ulcers are present less than 3 weeks they can be treated by your local pharmacist.

From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Mouth ulcers

Videos and podcasts

On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of dental conditions.

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