From NHS England
What do we do? A short summary. NHS England » What do we do?
Overview General practice NHS England » General practice
What GP practices do is set out in the GP contract which is updated annually. You can find the latest version from NHS England.
From NHS England
The GP contract hub page provides information, guidance and links relating to the GP Contract NHS England » GP Contract.
The Kings fund explain how GP practices are funded
GP funding and contracts explained GP funding and contracts explained | The King’s Fund
From NHS England
You can look in more detail at the areas that NHS England are particularly focused in
From the King’s Fund
How does the NHS in England work and how is it changing? How does the NHS in England work and how is it changing? | The King’s Fund
From NHS Long term plan
“The NHS has to continually move forward so that in 10 years time we have a service fit for the future. The NHS Long Term Plan is drawn up by frontline staff, patients groups, and national experts to be ambitious but realistic.”