Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
From NHS choices
You can get advice and support with a new medication from a pharmacist for high blood pressure and high cholesterol
New Medicine Service (NMS) – NHS
There is other local support provided below:
Many local pharmacies can take your blood pressure if you wish to check you blood pressure (in between surgery appointments).
From the NHS : How your pharmacy can help – NHS
Many patients are now buying their own blood pressure machine as suggested by the British Heart Foundation to support any readings done by their practice or local pharmacist.
From the British Heart Foundation
If you take your blood pressure at home or with your local pharmacy you can also check what your blood pressure reading means and get information what to do next. Do not use if you are already on treatment for blood pressure.
From the NHS
Check your blood pressure reading Check your blood pressure reading – NHS
Good physical wellbeing can support the treatment of kidney disease, and includes local support in the areas of
Reducing risk factors, if relevant to you, are well supported locally
As the Personalised Care Institute suggest
“Personalised care gives patients more control and choice when it comes to the way their care is planned and delivered, taking into account individual needs, preferences and circumstances.”
“What is personalised care?” The Personalised Care Institute. Retrieved 9th February 2024.
Support for a person with a long term condition needs to be broader than just focusing on medical needs but also involves considering what matters to them in supporting their overall wellbeing. This is delivered as personalised care which includes local support for physical, mental and social wellbeing. See under
Includes specific mental health support for patients with a long term condition.
From the National Kidney Federation
Helpline can provide information including about chronic kidney disease Helpline Information & Leaflets | National Kidney Federation
From Kidney Care UK
“Our national advocacy service provides personalised help and support to kidney patients, their families and carers, and local kidney patient associations across the country.” Advice and support | Kidney Care UK
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Chronic kidney disease
From the National Kidney Federation
From Kidney Care UK
From the UK Kidney Association
The UK eCKD Guide is derived from the NICE, SIGN, and UK Kidney Association guidelines. The UK eCKD Guide | The UK Kidney Association
From Lab tests online
Covers potentially relevant blood tests
From the NHS
More information on Vaccinations and who should have the pneumococcal vaccine is available under