Some links on this page have been colour coded to make it easier to find the information you need:
As the NHS suggests
You can get advice and support with a new medication from a pharmacist for asthma and COPD
New Medicine Service (NMS) – NHS
There is other local support provided below:
From the British Lung Foundation
Only relevant if you live in Berkshire (and are registered with a Buckinghamshire practice)
From Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Hospital COPD Respiratory Service: “If you’ve been referred to our service in the past, you can contact us directly to re-refer yourself. We’ll be in touch with you within five days of your referral. “
Respiratory service: click on “Accessing our service” Respiratory Service | Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
As the Personalised Care Institute suggest
“Personalised care gives patients more control and choice when it comes to the way their care is planned and delivered, taking into account individual needs, preferences and circumstances.”
“What is personalised care?” The Personalised Care Institute. Retrieved 9th February 2024.
Support for a person with a long term condition needs to be broader than just focusing on medical needs but also involves considering what matters to them in supporting their overall wellbeing. This is delivered as personalised care which includes local support for physical, mental and social wellbeing. See under
Includes specific mental health support for patients with respiratory conditions (asthma, COPD etc.).
From Asthma UK
Helpline for any question about your asthma Helpline | Asthma UK
From Asthma and Lung UK
Helpline for any question about your respiratory (chest) condition Helpline | Asthma + Lung UK
From Asthma and Lung UK
Asthma attacks: Easy to follow emergency advice on what to do if you or someone you’re with has an asthma attack. Asthma attacks | Asthma + Lung UK
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
From Asthma and Lung UK
From the Primary Care Respiratory Society
Clinical resources Inspiring best practice in respiratory care | Primary Care Respiratory Society
From Patient info
Chest and lung: with a section on “Information on Asthma” Chest and Lungs | Patient
From Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
Detailed evidence-based guidelines produced for patients based on a systematic review of the scientific literature. Very helpfully the patient booklet, visually shows how strong the evidence is for any treatment recommendation made.
Asthma Asthma (
From the British Thoracic Society
Guidelines Guidelines | British Thoracic Society | Better lung health for all
From Asthma and Lung UK
From GSK
“The Asthma Control Test is a way to help you and your healthcare provider determine if your asthma symptoms are well controlled” Welcome to the Asthma Control Test
From Asthma UK
Flu vaccinations for people with asthma Flu vaccinations | Asthma + Lung UK
From the NHS
Flu Vaccine for people with long-term respiratory conditions Flu vaccine – NHS
More information on vaccinations and who should have the pneumococcal vaccine see under
There is a separate page on allergy see under
From Asthma and Lung UK
Managing COPD flare-ups Managing COPD flare-ups | Asthma + Lung UK
From the NHS, Patient info and NICE
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
From Asthma and Lung UK
From the Primary Care Respiratory Society
Clinical resources Inspiring best practice in respiratory care | Primary Care Respiratory Society
From Patient info
Chest and lung: with a section on “Information on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)” Chest and Lungs | Patient
From the British Thoracic Society
Guidelines Guidelines | British Thoracic Society | Better lung health for all
From Asthma and Lung UK
From the NHS
More information on vaccinations and who should have the pneumococcal vaccine is available under
From Asthma and Lung UK
Find your condition Conditions | Asthma + Lung UK
Living with a lung condition Living with a lung condition | Asthma + Lung UK
From the British Thoracic Society
Guidelines Guidelines | British Thoracic Society | Better lung health for all
From Patient info
Chest and lung Chest and Lungs | Patient
Respiratory Respiratory | Specialities | CKS | NICE
From the NHS
More information on vaccinations and who should have the pneumococcal vaccine is available under
On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering the topic of chest and lungs.