Regulation, oversight and support

Practice publication scheme

The practice publication scheme is a complete guide to the information routinely made available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 by our practice. More information on the publication scheme is available under our document on Freedom Of Information. You can request our publication scheme leaflet at the surgery.

Some of the information available in our publication scheme leaflet has been pulled together below from different sections of our website, under the categories suggested under the publication scheme.

Who we are

This includes

What we do

What we do is set out in the GP contract which is updated annually. You can find the latest version under the GP contract section in NHS England.

Mean net earnings

Financial information relating to income can be found under:
Average GP earnings in the practice GP Earnings

How GP practices are funded

How GP practices are funded and GP contracts are explained under NHS England.

Feedback on how we are doing

Reports and patient surveys include

Our practice data

Under “our practice data” on the page practice improvement you can search our practice data for some care quality achievement rates including the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) and practice level prescribing data.

Improving our practice – an ongoing priority

Under A Better Practice For All we consider our aim

  • To provide good access to care for everyone
  • to improve our practice performance and safety
  • to improve practice consultations

Under Practice Improvement we cover any recent practice improvement activity.

Our future priorities

We are part of the future plans of NHS which include

  • The development of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) – we cover our Primary Care Network and further information on PCNs under the section on our Primary Care Networks (PCNs).
  • NHS Long Term Plan which is covered in detail by NHS England.

We have internal practice meetings but also external meetings. We include information on some of the more important local groups we meet with:

We include some of our policies on our website under Practice Policies.

This includes relevant policies such as:

Existing access provisions include
Opening hours

The range of services we provide under contract to the NHS is included in the following sections

We also offer information on local services on our website under Bucks Health Hub.

Understand CQC, ICS and NHS England

There are a number of organisations involved in regulation, oversight and support for GP practices. We include more general information about these organisations under:

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