Phone line information

We are excited to announce that February 2025 is the provisional installation date for our new cloud-based telephone system.

We want to thank you for your patience in the meantime.

Online access to your records

Already registered for online access to your records, medication and results

Log in

If you have online access, you can
Log in to:

Register for online access

If you are not registered for online access, we explain how to register for an account. Commonly used options include:

  • Patient Access
  • NHS Account (through the NHS App or the NHS website).

Patients can have access to the following online services:

  • Request repeat medication (a pharmacy nomination is required for this service)
  • Book/cancel appointments
  • View practice blood test results (investigations)
  • View medical records (medication, allergies & adverse reactions)
  • Change personal details

Complete our registration for online access form and steps to registration processes described below and then download the patient access app or register at Patient Access – GP appointments & prescriptions online.

As part of the process, you must nominate a pharmacy to receive electronic prescriptions (The electronic prescribing service (EPS) is explained under prescription and medication). We do not accept medication requests via email or telephone.

There are a number of simple steps to register for online access with patient access:

Complete the request for online access form

Please read the information leaflet:

Download and complete the form:

Complete and submit the online form:

Provide proof of identity and residence documentation

We need to check you are who you say you are. We can do this in one of three ways:

  • Photo ID and proof of address, (e.g., a passport or driving licence, and a bank statement or council tax statement).
  • If you do not have any ID and are well known to our surgery, a member of staff may be able to confirm your identity.
  • If you do not have any ID and are not well known to our surgery, we may ask you questions about the information in your GP record to confirm the record is really yours.

This is required by the NHS to prevent unauthorized access to personal medical information. You will need to bring the completed form (if not completed online) and your proof of identity, in person to the surgery.

Create your account using the email or letter from the practice

You will be sent an automated email in approximately 7-10 days with your unique PIN codes and ID numbers required to create your account with Patient Access. Occasionally these emails are treated as spam so check your “spam box”.

From Patient Access

Revoking online access

Online access to the patient access service will be revoked if you use the service inappropriately such as persistently ordering medications when they are not due. It is your responsibility to keep your login details and password secure.

From NHS choices

There is more information on your NHS account including other functions beyond just online access to your medical record under Your NHS Account.

The practice will not request identification for an NHS account
Patients aged 16 and over, who have an active account with a patient facing services app or web portal, such as the NHS App, have automatic access to their full GP record and if they access the services through an NHS Login, identity verification is carried out online when they apply for the Login.

Online access in our practice

To get the latest data go to the page Patient Online Management Information (POMI) – NHS Digital

  • Click on “Interactive Dashboard for latest reporting month” in the box “Key Facts”
  • Click on “Online services at my GP practice” then
  • enter the practice name under 2) “Search for your GP practice” by scrolling or typing below the box to search
  • You will then have the latest online access percentages for the practice

We would like to encourage online access to reach close to 100%, because we believe it can offer real benefits for patients.

Proxy access: allowing another person to access your notes on your behalf

Proxy access allows parents, family members and carers to access health services on behalf of other people. For example, children, dependants you care for, and relatives.


Giving access to someone else to your health record can be very helpful for you. However, your medical records are confidential, so only you can authorise someone else to have access. This is explained further under

Proxy access form

If you have made your decision about proxy access, you can
Download and complete the form:

Other ways to access practice services

For other ways to access practice services if you cannot access an NHS account and for further information on these services, see under:

Understand online access to your records

Further information on online access

More information on online access including some of the advantages and proxy access can be found under

Support using a computer and the internet

There is local support to help with learning how to use a computer and the internet found under

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