Latest Practice News
In our latest PPG news letter, we cover changes to improve our appointment system. Our latest news letter can be found under:
- PPG newsletter Summer 2023
If you would like to join the PPG please email [email protected] or look under patient participation group
We Are Undefeatable
is a national campaign to support the 15 million people who live with one or more long-term health conditions in England. Launched in August 2019, it aims to help those with conditions such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis and Parkinson’s to build physical activity into their lives, see under We Are Undefeatable. The campaign is led by a collaboration of 15 leading health and social care charities and benefits from our expertise and insight, along with National Lottery funding.
One in four people in England live with a long-term health condition, and those in this group are twice as likely to be inactive, despite evidence that being active can help manage many conditions and reduce the impact and severity of some symptoms. Even small amounts of activity can make a significant difference to overall health and wellbeing.
Live Well Stay Well
A free service which offers advice and support for those wishing to lose weight, quit smoking, get more active, feel happier or manage their diabetes- even throughout lockdown! All services currently offered are safely delivered through remote interventions (either on the phone or online). The service is available to patients living in Buckinghamshire or registered with a Bucks GP.
Self refer on
- Or call 01628 857311.
- Text ‘QUIT’ to 85222 to Stop Smoking’
Emergency Food for People in Crisis
Wycombe Food Hub. Click WycombeFoodHub for information on this service. If you need help to access this service, please speak in confidence
call us on 01494 913626
Bank Holidays
Don’t forget that Carrington House Surgery is closed on Bank Holidays!