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First Contact Physio
Please find below a list of private fees that are charged for any work completed outside of our contractual obligation classed as “private”.
Statement of fact to support applications, circumstances, confirm conditions | 30 |
Private sick note (Less than 7 days illness) | 35 |
Fitness to travel | 35 |
Fitness to attend a gym | 35 |
Unable to attend a gym due to medical issues | 60 |
Student unfit to take exam | 35 |
Simple letter (few short sentences) | 35 |
Private insurance health claim form (AXA BUPA etc) patient request | 35 |
Life Insurance no exam | 130 |
Targeted report | 130 |
Travel insurance cancellation claim form | 30 |
Travel insurance cancellation claim form – complicated | 60 |
Professional opinion – including detailed letter | 60 |
Complicated letter – extracts from records/attachments | 100 |
Additional info | 30 |
Insurance claim form to cover loans when not working | 30 |
Report from records | 80 – 100 |
Local Authority, Police report no examination | 65 |
Employment Medical – Basic Questionnaire | 120 |
Employment Medical – Local Authority | 160 |
Employment Medical – Full medical and report, private | 260 |
Criminal injuries compensation proforma | 40 |
Council tax exemption form | 25 |
DVLA | 40 – 85 |
Health certificate to attend university, college, teacher nurse training or other activity | 35 |
Police form questionnaire | 35 |
OFSTED | 60 |
Assessment of capacity for LPA | 170 |
Medical reports with exam | 125 |
Medical reports no exam | 100 |
AH1 Form = double face to face Appointment with GP AH2 Form = single face to face Appointment with GP | 80 30 |
PIP, Attendance Allowance | 33.50 |
SR1 | 17.70 |
Private prescription | 30 |
Prescription for the purpose of travel abroad | 30 |
Vaccination / International Certificate of Vaccination | 30 |
Hepatitis B – per dose | 72 |
Hepatitis B – set of three | 216 |
S17/47 | 22 |
Subject Access Request – first request | No charge |
Subject Access Request – second request | 65 |
Please note these services are no longer available
Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (including Taxi medicals, HGV, PSV, shotgun licences etc) are no longer undertaken by the practice.
Speak to our secretaries for any queries about insurance forms and medical reports
Please ring the main surgery number 01494 523211 and select option 4 between the hours of 8.30 and 15.30 on Monday to Friday to speak with the secretary if you have any queries about insurance forms and medical reports.
Forms can take up to 28 days to complete
If we agree to complete non-NHS work, our NHS medical care of our patients takes priority during our working day so any private non-NHS letters or forms can take up to 28 days to complete and return to you. We cannot guarantee they will be completed earlier.
By Card at Reception . No refunds are given.
Some services are not covered by the NHS and our practice will therefore charge a fee for completion of this work.
As the British Medical Association suggest
“With certain exceptions written within their contract, doctors do not have to carry out non-NHS work. However, many choose to for the benefit of you and other families they treat.”
“Why does my doctor charge fees?” BMA website. Retrieved 14 February 2023.
Please can you review the “check list for patients” included below in the frequently asked questions if you are considering requesting we complete any non-NHS (private) work.
Before submitting a form or a request it is worth reading about some important considerations which act as a checklist and can save you time.
You will be charged a fee by us if you request a private sick note for less than 7 days. However, this is unnecessary, and your employer should not request one unless they are concerned about repeated illness.
As Gov UK suggests
“If employees are off work for 7 days or less, they do not need to give their employer a fit note or other proof of sickness from a medical professional. When they return to work, their employer can ask them to confirm they’ve been off sick. This is called ‘self-certification’. The employer and employee will agree on how the employee should do this. They might need to fill in a form or send details of their sick leave by email.”
“Taking sick leave.” Gov.UK website. Retrieved 14 February 2023
A sick note is free if you are off longer than 7 days.
For further information, including a link to more detailed information and how you can get a sick note, see under
The British Medical Association have set out common questions asked of GP practices about non-NHS work.
From the British Medical Association
Intended for GP practices but provides insight into the steps required by a GP practice.