First Contact Physio

0nline appointments to see our Physio will be available to book online from Monday 2nd December, you need to have patient access to use this service.
What is a first contact physio appointment? 
First Contact Practitioners (FCPs) are physiotherapists usually based in GP surgeries. They can assess and diagnose what’s happening, Give expert advice on how best to manage your condition and refer on to specialist services if necessary.
If you have further questions please call the surgery.

New patients

Welcome to our practice - 3 steps to joining our practice

We are always pleased to welcome new patients. There are a number of simple steps to help you register with us and develop a full understanding of the options available to you and what is available from our practice.

1 Confirm you live in our catchment area

We can only register patients who live in our catchment area. You can confirm if you live within our boundary:

You can get directions to the surgery, search for nearby pharmacists including those that are open (search using “open pharmacists”).

If you do not live within our boundary or move outside, we explain below how to find a new GP practice and the process of transferring care to a new practice.

Moving within our practice boundary

If you move address within our practice area (including if you change your telephone number or any other details) we require you let us know. You can use our form

Moving outside our practice boundary

Please be aware that if you move out of the catchment area of the practice you will be asked either to register with a practice that is in the area you have moved to or, alternatively, you will be asked to re-register with us as an “out of area” patient.

Find a new practice

If you live or move outside our practice boundary you can find another practice by using the NHS search

Registering with a new practice

When you move practice, you do not need to tell your present practice, as when you register with a new practice your notes are automatically moved electronically to your new practice.

Transferring your care to a new practice

The transfer process is not always quick. So, getting an appointment with your new practice or repeat medication can take time. So, we recommend you register immediately with your new practice rather than waiting for a medical problem to arise. In addition, if you are on repeat medication, we recommend you obtain an adequate medication supply from your present practice to cover the period before you are fully registered with your new practice (at least 1 month is recommended).

2 Review our practice support and practice agreement

We would be grateful if you would review our practice support and practice agreement. This includes online access to your medical notes to help you manage your prescriptions, appointments and review any test results. We strongly recommend this for a more efficient experience. Some health care you can access directly without having to go through the practice and we cover some of this under our new patient checklist.

New patient checklist

Our new patient quality care checklist offers support for our new patients. This checklist is not submitted to the practice but is just for your benefit. The checklist provides information on how patients can access local support usually without needing to go through the practice.

Online access to prescriptions, appointments and test results

Online Access to your medical records to help you manage your prescriptions, appointments and review any test results can be achieved under

  • online access to your records
    We strongly recommend you obtain access to your medical records for a more efficient experience. This also includes how to obtain “proxy” access if helpful.

Your personal data

Manage how your personal data is used and review your options under

Update your personal details

Reporting any changes in your personal details (e.g., contact details) or preference on how we communicate with you. We assume you are happy for us to contact you by text, please tell us if this or any of your contact details change under

If we do not have the correct personal details, we risk not been able to contact you when we need to.

Practice brochure

Further information about our practice can be found under


Help shape our practice and provide feedback by

Our practice agreement sets out our commitment to you, how you can get the most out of our practice and help us ensure we offer an efficient service.

We ask that you agree to disclose all material facts regarding your health to your General Practitioner and his/her clinical staff. We as the practice declare that we shall not disclose any information regarding a patient without written consent from the patient.

We declare that we shall hold as confidential all matters pertaining to the patient and not release such information without the patient’s written consent.

We ask that you agree to attend on time all appointments that you book with the Practice and cancel in advance any appointment that you cannot attend. If you arrive late for an appointment, you may be asked to re-book for another time. We will try to see you at your appointment time but may ask you to come back for another appointment if your problem takes longer than the time you have booked. If you have more than one problem to discuss you can ask for a double appointment when you contact reception.

Emergency appointments
We ask that you only use these appointments for medical emergencies that require immediate treatment.

Home visits
We ask that you only request a home visit from the Practice under circumstances where you cannot physically attend the Practice for an appointment. We ask that you endeavour to make this request no later than 11.00am. More information can be found under the website page: Home Visits.

Mobile phones
We ask you that you agree to not answering calls upon entering the Practice and to switch the phone off immediately should it ring while you are within the building. If you need to answer a call, we ask you to move outside the building to answer the call. However, we do have WIFI available for patients to use in the surgery.

Repeat prescriptions
We ask you to request repeat prescriptions giving the Practice two working days’ notice of your need for medication. Furthermore, we ask that you agree to make any request either in person, by email, post, or by online access to ordering medication (the quickest way). More information can be found under the website page: Prescriptions and medication.

Treatment of staff
We ask that you agree with the policy of zero tolerance of abuse towards all NHS staff. We ask that you agree not to behave in an abusive, threatening or otherwise aggressive manner with any member of the Practice staff. We ask that you acknowledge the right of the Practice to remove you from our practice list without appeal should you behave in a manner prohibited. All the staff and doctors agree to behave in a polite and professional manner. More information can be found under the website page: Respect policy and Zero Tolerance.

If you are dissatisfied with the service you receive from the Practice you can complain to the Practice Manager.  How to make a complaint can be found under the website page: Complaints. The Practice takes all complaints seriously and will reply in writing within 14 days.

Policy on seeing minors
All children under the age of twelve must be accompanied by an adult throughout the consultation and examination. Young people aged 12 – 14 may consult alone but must attend the surgery accompanied by a responsible adult whose permission and co-operation will be sought. 14 – 16 year olds may attend unaccompanied and consult alone provided that the doctor assesses them to be competent. Our confidentiality policy gives anyone over the age of fourteen the right to have test results given to them, the patient, and results will only be given to the parent if it is clearly written in the patient notes that permission has been given for that episode of care. More information can be found under the website page: Confidentiality for Teenagers.

A chaperone is available for any consultation at any stage. This can be requested via the reception staff or any clinical staff member. Our chaperone policy can be found under the website page: Chaperone Policy.

Private fees
We are often asked to write letters and complete forms on behalf of patients which are not covered under the NHS. In such circumstances there will be a charge made. More information including the latest details on our fees can be found under Non NHS Private Services. If a fee for a service you are interested in is not listed under this link please contact the surgery or speak to a receptionist for details of the fee, if necessary, before leaving your request. You are asked to note that in most cases a doctor’s appointment is not necessary before the completion of the forms (ask at reception). Please allow at least 5 working days for the completion of the forms and practice administration.

3 Register with our practice

If you live within our catchment area you are welcome to register with our practice:

Registering with our practice

Online registration
If you want to register as a regular patient, you can use the online service. This online service also helps us get you registered quicker and we recommend you use this service.

OR: Alternatively, you can download a “Registration with a GP form” (or obtain one from reception).

Download and complete the form:

Before registering with our practice, if you are on repeat medication, we recommend you obtain at least a one-month supply from your previous practice in case there is any delay in the registration process.

Finding your NHS number
You can obtain this from the GP practice you were previously registered at. You can also find it using NHS choices.

As the NHS suggest “You can register as a temporary resident if you plan to live near the GP surgery for up to 3 months. After 3 months you will have to apply to register with that surgery as a permanent resident. You can register temporarily with a GP surgery while away from home for work, study or on holiday. You’ll remain registered with your permanent GP surgery.”

Emergency care

As the NHS suggest with emergency care practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient but “you can still receive emergency treatment for up to 14 days”.

We recommend if you are a temporary resident looking for emergency care you first call 111, who will ensure you are directed to the correct service (including local minor injuries units and A&E). There is more information on local support under

This is all explained in more detail by the NHS

Please before contacting us, consider if another service is more appropriate

Consider the following services which may be more appropriate:

Some other contact details for local services can found under:

Temporary registration form

You can download the temporary registration form GMS3/99 which if we agree to take you on as a temporary resident, we will ask you to fill in.

Download and complete the form:

Booking an appointment

Need medical help

We recommend you review some key questions to support your care before booking any appointment under

Bucks Health Hub

If you want to explore more information on health and social care particularly relating to the local area, we recommend you look at

Manage your appointment

We explain how to book and cancel an appointment under

Local support for new patients

Local support and further information on registering with a GP practice can be found under

Further practice information and support

Change of your personal details

Please can you help us keep your records up to date by notifying us immediately of any changes (such as with your name, address, or telephone numbers (mobile and land line)). If we do not have the correct details, we risk not been able to contact you when we need to. How to do this is explained under

Moving outside our practice boundary

Please note that we can only register patients who live within our practice boundary, so if you do move outside our catchment area you will need to register with a GP practice who covers the area you have moved into, or, alternatively, you will be asked to re-register with us as an “out of area” patient.

Support for vulnerable people

Support for people who are more likely to have a poorer experience of care can be found under

This includes

  • Veterans and service families
  • Carers
  • People with dementia
  • People with a learning disability
  • People who are homeless
  • People who are from the Gypsy, Roma and traveller communities
  • People who are asylum seekers, refugees and migrants
  • People who are at risk of abuse or neglect

This section covers for each patient group what the practice offers, including any relevant information on registration with the practice and how local and national services support each group.

Practice and hospital translation (interpretation) services

You can find out how to access translation services to support you in a consultation with a doctor or nurse in the practice or in a hospital under

Health information in other languages
The NHS provides links to health information in other languages

We offer for the following patients other health checks including:

NHS health check

NHS health check (for ages 40 to 74) – more information is available under

Annual learning disability health check

Annual learning disability health check (for ages over 14) – more information is available under

Continuity of care

When your registration is processed you will be allocated a named GP. You will be informed of this by letter or email. Further information on what this actually means and what the benefits of continuity of care (seeing the same clinician for a particular problem whoever that clinician is) can be found under

As is explained there will be times when your allocated GP is not available, but you are free to see any other GP within the Practice.

Practice brochure

To help you understand the practice better we have created a

Other practice information

Access to the surgery, how we aim to improve practice performance, safety, and help you have better consultations is included under.

Further relevant information on practice facilities can be found under


Please note that we can only register patients who live within our practice boundary, so if you do move outside our catchment area you will need to register with a GP practice who covers the area you have moved into, or, alternatively, you will be asked to re-register with us as an “out of area” patient.

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