First Contact Physio

0nline appointments to see our Physio will be available to book online from Monday 2nd December, you need to have patient access to use this service.
What is a first contact physio appointment? 
First Contact Practitioners (FCPs) are physiotherapists usually based in GP surgeries. They can assess and diagnose what’s happening, Give expert advice on how best to manage your condition and refer on to specialist services if necessary.
If you have further questions please call the surgery.

Local community and health campaigns

Local community services close to the practice

There are many organisations local to the practice providing a wide range of services and activities to the local community.

Find activities, groups and services near you

Websites for activities, groups and services across Buckinghamshire can be found under

Local transport services

Available local transport services to the practice and to local hospitals are found under

Organisations local to the practice which provide support

Below we include some of the organisations local to the practice which provide information on local activities and services:

From MyWycombe
Promotes “High Wycombe, community events, the town’s rich heritage and excellent local businesses. In addition, the site aims to keep local residents and town centre visitors informed of news and events happening in the area.” About – My Wycombe – High Wycombe Official Town Centre Website

From Wycombe Wanders Foundation

From Sport in Mind – Buckinghamshire
“The charity that uses sport and physical activity to improve the lives of people experiencing mental health problems. Venues include Aylesbury Vale, Chiltern & South Bucks district, Wycombe and Milton Keynes. Sport in Mind provide all the equipment, venues, no special clothes are required, and our sessions are FREE.”

From Wycombe Leisure Centre
Creating active places and healthy people – paid for  activities
Wycombe Leisure Centre

From Youth Enquiry Service (YES) Wycombe
We offer free and confidential support, information and counselling for young people (13-25) in the High Wycombe area. We provide help to anyone who walks through our door regardless of the problem. Youth Enquiry Service | High Wycombe

Unusually for Buckinghamshire there is no parish or town council for High Wycombe, however Buckinghamshire Council give some local support.

From Buckinghamshire Council
High Wycombe local area offices High Wycombe local area offices | Buckinghamshire Council

Local Parish Councils in Buckinghamshire
It is possible, particularly if you live on the boundary of the practice, that you may benefit from looking at what is available from local parish councils which border the practice. Buckinghamshire Council provide a list of all the Parish Councils in Bucks including if available their website.

Public health campaigns and strategies across the county

There are often county wide public health campaigns and strategies to improve health and social wellbeing, often led by the council and public health. These can be found under

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