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for comprehensive health information, support and contacts

First Contact Physio
Popular telephone numbers
Popular self-referrals
To understand the range of some of the self-referrals available, see under
See the sections below for broad information on the support available, including any “inside practice self-referrals”.
Links to contact us pages (with telephone numbers, email addresses and addresses) for many local services, including urgent care services, community services, hospitals, social services, and diagnostics can be found under
Further contact details for many other national and local organisations, including charitable organisations can be found under the relevant condition or topic, see under
Below some of the telephone numbers of services local to the practice are included.
The midwives are based at Wycombe General Hospital and hold weekly antenatal clinics at the surgery. If you have any questions please contact your community midwife in the first instance.
Community midwives offices include:
The nurses are based at the Oakridge Centre and perform general nursing duties in the home for the elderly and housebound. They can be contacted on
Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing. The team are based at Wycombe General Hospital and can be contacted on
Some local hospitals
Wycombe Urgent Treatment Centre 0300 033 9846 or 111
Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) – Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
For a fuller list of local services see under Local Contact Details and Service Finder.
For directions and information on local services, see under
On a computer search under “Nearby” using chemists, chemists open near me, hospitals, opticians or dentists to find local services, with their telephone numbers, websites and directions to these local services.
Self-referral involves accessing NHS health services and other support yourself without needing an appointment with your GP. This is explained further by patient info
There are new roles and services which have been created in practices to support the high demand for GP appointments.
These services and roles are provided through local practices working together (Our Primary Care Network), external organisations or created by our practice. You can self-refer to this support without needing to go through a doctor. We have included details below:
Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability.
First Contact Practitioners who work at our practice are physiotherapists with enhanced skills. They can help patients with musculoskeletal issues by assessing and diagnosing issues, giving expert advice on how best to manage their conditions & referring them onto specialist services if necessary. They are able to request MRI and Ultrasounds if they feel it’s appropriate.
There is more information on physiotherapists under Additional Roles.
To access this support please contact
A social prescriber connects people with local community activities and services that can help improve their health and wellbeing. So, this might include support with fixing housing issues, helping you adopt healthy habits, support with managing your mental health, or overcoming loneliness.
There is more information on social prescribers under Additional Roles.
To access this support please contact
If this service is not available through the practice or PCN then you can contact Prevention Matters – Connection Support who though not connected to the practice offer a similar service.
Local and national self-referral routes can be found under the relevant topic, see
Links to some of the more commonly used local and national self-referral pathways, found on Bucks Health Hub, are included below:
General wellbeing for everyone
Local support to help develop a healthy lifestyle
Search for self-referrals for health conditions
To search for self -referrals for health conditions, if you access Bucks Health Hub and then either use the main menu or search site function.
Popular self-referrals:
Children and young people (under 18)
Local screening services (including when available)
Local support for some patient groups
Local support to help with many life issues
General support services
Important organisations providing a range of services
The majority of local services can be found through the sections above, but the council have provided a search engine for social activities and some services which can bring health benefits. Also, there may be some activities and services local to the practice which have not been included above. These are linked to below:
From Buckinghamshire council
You can search for local services and activities near you
There may be activities and services in the local community, which if available can be found under
The majority of important clinics and services available on the NHS have been included in the sections above. There may be some clinics/services which are local to the practice which have not been included above and some of these can be found under:
Many patients even if they do not have health insurance may end up using some form of private care. Sometimes this is done for a quicker appointment, sometimes it is done for services not available on the NHS or for more extensive treatment that cannot be provided on the NHS (e.g., longer and more sessions of physiotherapy). Some of this care can be accessed without you needing to see your GP. We make no personal recommendations on any private services.
Private community services
Private care in general (includes private counsellors, minor and cosmetic surgery)
Any private services provided on our premises (e.g., private podiatrist) if available can normally be found under