First Contact Physio

0nline appointments to see our Physio will be available to book online from Monday 2nd December, you need to have patient access to use this service.
What is a first contact physio appointment? 
First Contact Practitioners (FCPs) are physiotherapists usually based in GP surgeries. They can assess and diagnose what’s happening, Give expert advice on how best to manage your condition and refer on to specialist services if necessary.
If you have further questions please call the surgery.

Private services

Community private services

Many patients who want either a quicker service or more prolonged treatment than can be provided by the NHS turn to private community services which include physiotherapy and podiatry. More information can be found under

You can contact such services directly yourself. We do not make specific recommendations on local private services.

Therapist - private counsellor

If you want to find a Non-NHS therapist, Mind have produced very helpful guidance on options beyond the usual NHS options

This includes private therapists and other non-NHS options including therapists at your place of work or education, and also charity and third sector therapists.

You do not normally need any GP referral to access private counselling. The one exception may be if an insurance company insists on this, but this is now unusual as it delays your appointment.

Minor surgery and cosmetic surgery

Some treatments may not be funded on the NHS. The reasons for this and how to find the treatments which may not be treated see under

If funding, and thus NHS care, is likely to be rejected some patients will chose to go privately. There is more information on some private care under

Contact details

Some local private hospitals contact details can be found under

Understanding the principles of private care

Private care can be a complex world to understand. Some of the questions commonly asked of GPs about private hospital based medical care are included under

This includes answers to the questions

  • Do you need a referral for private treatment?
  • Can you have some of your private care covered on the NHS in the short run?
  • Can you have some of your private care covered on the NHS in the long run?
  • Can you swap between the NHS and private care?
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