Need some
self-help information?
Visit Bucks Health Hub
for comprehensive health information, support and contacts
The following key questions will guide registered patients looking to access our services as well as discuss other local services you can access without contacting your GP surgery. Click on the questions that are relevant to you to get links to detailed information.
If you are not a registered patient, click here.
If you still need to contact us about an appointment or other query, click here.
Urgent care support including details on our local urgent treatment centre (minor injuries unit) and what to do out of hours can be found here:
You can self-manage many health conditions and know when you should see a health care professional if you have access to good information.
111 online and other apps can support you with self-care. You are asked a series of questions to guide you to appropriate self-care, but also tell you when you need instead to make an appointment with your GP practice or attend A&E (call 999).
Your local pharmacy can support you with a large number of common conditions.
Information on health, local services and support over your life time which includes important local socioeconomic support for patients. Many of the NHS choices articles included cover when you should consider using your pharmacist and when you should attend your GP or call 999 in uncommon cases when a condition deteriorates.
Health Information from reputable national websites.
Videos and podcasts from some well-known organisations.
For health conditions includes:
For the individual includes:
Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand including with easy read leaflets on common health conditions and services.
You can directly access many local and national services without needing to go through the practice.
In many cases you will know the specific service you want to access (e.g., weight loss service). The more common local and national self-referrals providing broad support for health have been listed.
On occasions you may not be aware what support is available, so to help, the broad support for common patient groups and health conditions is considered.
You can explore a more complete list of self-referrals.
This includes
You can directly access many local and national services without needing to go through the practice. The more common local and national self-referrals providing broad support for health have been listed:
Pharmacists can give you advice on a range of conditions and suggest medicines that can help.
They may also be able to offer treatment and some prescription medicine for some conditions, without you needing to see a GP (this is called Pharmacy First). Conditions they can treat as part of Pharmacy First are:
If you go to a pharmacy with one of these conditions, the pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to a GP or other healthcare professional if needed.
They will then update your GP health record.
If you are not within these age ranges, a pharmacist can still offer advice, but you may need to see a GP for treatment.
Pharmacists can give advice on your medicines. This includes how to use your medicine, worries about side effects or any other questions you have.
If your medicine is out of date or unwanted, do not put it in the bin or flush it down the toilet. Take it to your pharmacy to be disposed of safely.
You can have 3 appointments with a pharmacist when you start a new medicine for a long-term condition, to help with any questions.
Get help with newly prescribed medicines
Emergency contraception
Some pharmacies offer the emergency contraceptive pill for free. If you’re aged 16 or over, you can also buy it from most pharmacies.
There are answers available to many common patient queries which can help you avoid having to phone the practice.
Managing appointments and common reception queries.
Online support
Common questions with a practice form
Managing your options with your medical records
Managing your prescriptions, test results and referrals
Available practice services
Support for common patient groups and health conditions.
Our practice facilities
You are welcome to become involved.
Online access can allow you to more easily manage your health care.
If you already have online access to your medical record you can:
Log in to:
How to obtain full online access including support available.
How to manage any NHS referral online.
If you are eligible for a Covid-19 vaccination you can book a vaccination appointment online.
There is local support to help with learning how to use a computer and the internet.
What happens after your consultation can be as important as the consultation itself. You may find notes about your conversation with a clincian uploaded on to the NHS App in some cases which you may find useful.
Bucks Health Hub – local and national information
Information on common health conditions and local support.
Understanding medication and any investigations
Reputable national websites
For conditions not covered in Bucks Health Hub you can also explore
Easy read
Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand including with easy read leaflets on common health conditions and services.
The support for some common patient groups and health conditions is considered here.
Understand your medication and managing any repeat prescriptions
Understand follow up of
Staying safe is about knowing what to expect with any illness. Many conditions either get better on their own or improve with simple treatments. Occasionally symptoms may develop which can indicate the development of a serious condition. We consider some serious conditions and what symptoms, and signs might suggest urgent action.
Who is responsible for providing medication, blood tests and sick notes following a private consultation is explained under the relevant questions.
Understanding what steps you can take now to stay healthy can reduce the need for treatments in the future.
There are a range of resources and services that may be available to you that can help with healthy living such as support with weight loss and smoking. We pick out some common areas to consider under:
Staying safe is about knowing what to expect with any illness. Many conditions either get better on their own or improve with simple treatments. Occasionally symptoms may develop which can indicate the development of a serious condition. We consider some serious conditions and what symptoms, and signs might suggest urgent action.
Vaccinations (including flu)
Vaccinations can have an important protective effect if recommended.
Available practice clinics
Many of the screening services take place outside the practice (e.g., bowel screening).
Practice screening includes cervical screening and the NHS Health Check.
An overview is provided on Bucks Health Hub under:
Most appointments including GP appointments are now booked following your submission of an eConsult. You can also use this service to make an admin query or request such as requesting a sick note. Your submission is first checked by our reception staff or a senior doctor and you will then be contacted to suggest next steps.
However the following types of appointments should not be booked via eConsult and instead be booked by calling reception:
Our telephone number can be found here: Contact Us.
For all other appointment bookings, these can no longer be booked directly. You will need to submit an eConsult message that needs to be reviewed by our team.
Online access to your medical record
To manage appointments, prescriptions and test results (further information: Online Access To Your Records).
Log in to:
Online consultation tool
For administrative and non-urgent clinical queries (Further information: Online Consultations)
Log in to:
Common patient actions include a request to
Other practice options
See under 7 key questions : “Q4. Do you need support on managing your health care in our practice?” or review the main practice menu under “Your Practice”.
The ten key questions and answers explain why online access to a range of support is an important part of NHS care. Some of the support you need to create an account but this is a very quick and easy process. Here we provide a summary of this digital support.
For help for a child over 5 or adult (Further information: Get Help From 111 Online)
Access 111 online:
You can log in to access appointments, prescriptions and test results (further information: Online Access To Your Records).
Log in to:
You can log in directly to our online consultation tool which can help you with administrative and non-urgent clinical queries (Further information: Online Consultations)
Log in to:
For referral to a specialist through the NHS e-Referral Service (Further information: Referrals).
Log in to:
Book, cancel or change a COVID-19 vaccination appointment (Further information: Covid-19).
Log in to: