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As a patient in our practice, you are looked after by our practice team which is made up of a range of different health care professionals (not just doctors and nurses). In addition, our local community health team and social workers work to support our and neighbouring practices. This is all covered below, and you can contact the local community health team directly once you are under their care. Some of the community teams you can self-refer to without needing to go through your GP practice, we provide details under Contact details and self-referral. If you want a general overview of all the various teams, see under Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and Practices and NHS Community services.
We include more general information on Practice Doctors. Our status as a training practice is explained under about us.
Dr Ali Bakir
BSc (Hons) MBBS (Distinction) MRCGP (2020)
Special interest – Joint injections & Urgent Care
Dr Samir Ghodasara
Special interest – Dermatology & Respiratory Medicine
Dr Eleni Daykin
BM Bch MA (Oxon) MRCGP (2010) DFSRH
Special interest – Women’s Health, Medical Education
Dr Neetul Shah
Special interests – GP Trainer, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Medicine, Medical Education, Clinical Research
Dr Sandeep Suchowa
Special interests – GP Trainer, Minor surgery, Medical Education
We have a short summary about training in the practice under About The Practice and more general information on GP training under Training Practice.
Dr Usna Kakar
Dr Maryanne Siu
Dr Gauhar Sheikh
You can search for any doctor’s GMC number, registration status, training and other useful information see under Practice Doctors.
We provide general information on nursing roles under Practice Nurse Team.
Susan Bailey-Kennedy
RGN Family Planning Dip
Specialist interest – Acute illness, Diabetes & Wound management
Sally Goulden
RGN Family Planning Dip
Specialist interest – Diabetes
Maria Rose
Health Care Assistant/Phlebotomist
We explain more about our primary care network under our primary care network. There is more general information about some of these additional roles under Additional Roles.
Zara Sheikh
Anisah Javed
George Buckland
First contact physiotherapist
Albin Jose
First contact physiotherapist
Aaron Santos
MSc Physicians Associate
Dhara Patel
MSc Physicians Associate
Scott Yeomanson
Social prescriber
Natacha Lopes Da Fonseca
Care Coordinator
We provide general information about management and administrative roles under Practice management and administration team.
Hayley Smith
Practice Manager
Jayne Liu
Reception Team Lead
We have a large team of support staff which include receptionists, secretaries, and administrators who play key roles as explained above.
We work closely with our local community health team who look after patients in our and neighbouring practices.
You can contact the local community health team directly once you are under their care, some of the community teams you can self-refer to (without needing to go through your GP practice). We provide all these details including telephone contact details when available under Contact Details And Self-Referral.
You can self-refer to the health visitor team. For how to self-refer and further information on how the health visitor team support you and your child until the age of 5 see under NHS Community services (Children). You can contact the team directly for any child under 5.
Includes district nurses and occupational therapists. You can self-refer to occupational therapists see under NHS Community services (Adults) on how to do this and for further information about how district nurses and occupational therapists can support. You can contact the adult community health team directly if you are already under their care.
You can self-refer for maternity care, for how to self-refer and further information on how the midwife team can support with many queries through pregnancy see under Pregnancy. You can contact the team directly when you are under their care.
The palliative care team work closely with our local adult community health team (district nurse team). You can contact the palliative care team directly if you are already under their care. There is information about how the palliative care team can support you under End of life care, including details about the local palliative care team.
You can self-refer for a social care assessment. This is explained in detail under Support in your own home, a care home and a nursing home. You can contact the local social care team directly using the telephone details found under Contact details and self-referral.
There are new roles and services which have been created in practices to support the high demand for GP appointments. This support can help you avoid the need to wait for a GP appointment and provides a high level of expertise.
These services and roles are provided through local practices working together (Our Primary Care Network), external organisations or created by our practice. You can access this support directly without needing to go through a doctor or nurse. These “in practice self-referrals” can be found in the self-referral section under Contact Details And Self-Referral.
We work with a number of local practices to improve the support we give local patients. We explain this further under Our Primary Care Network.