Friends and family test

Complete a friends and family test

Your answer is voluntary. But if you do answer, your feedback will provide valuable information for our service to celebrate positive feedback and identify opportunities to make improvements. Thank you for your feedback.

Complete and submit the online form: 

Understand the friends and family test

“The NHS treats over 1.4 million people every 24 hours”
“News” July 2018. NHS England website. Retrieved 14 February 2023.

To understand how we are all doing we need feedback.

The NHS wants to support and encourage people to speak up about their experiences of care, including good experiences and where improvements can be made. The friends and family test (FFT) is a quick and simple feedback tool which enables patients to indicate how their experience of a services was. Patients can also provide a free text comment to explain why they have scored as they have.

Further information

The friends and family test is explained in more detail, including a short video, see under

How we use the feedback for practice improvement

We use feedback from patients to improve our service, including from the friends and family test and other patient surveys, see under

We share and discuss this information with Our Patient Participation Group and consider ways we can improve. For practice changes see under

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