Integrated Care System

Support for Local Health Priorities

From the Integrated Care Board Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West
“Our vision is for everyone who lives in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and the Berkshire West area, to have the best possible start in life, to live happier, healthier lives for longer, and to be able to access the right support when they need it”
“Integrated Care Strategy.” From the BOB ICB Website. Retrieved 8th April 2024.

The latest local integrated care strategy

The latest local integrated care strategy produced by Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and the Berkshire West integrated partnership is available to read:

The five key priorities and some underlying principles

The five local key health priorities and also the principles which are the basis of the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West integrated care strategy are supported locally. This is covered below.

Five local key priorities

Local and national support

The five key priorities identified by the Integrated Care Board Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West are included below, with all the local and national support to allow their achievement. These priorities are based on a number of principles which are covered in the sections below.

Promoting and protecting health – local support

Keeping people healthy and well. see under local support for specific issues or circumstances. Although people in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West are generally healthier than the national average, many people suffer poor health from conditions that could be prevented or delayed.

Support in the place we live

Improving physical wellbeing

Reducing health risk factors

Vaccinations includes local support for

Start Well – local support

Helping all children and young people achieve the best start in life. The foundations for a person’s future health and wellbeing are set in the early years of life. We need to give every child in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West the best possible start.

Support for early years

  • Pregnancy – includes support for mental health, smoking, alcohol, domestic abuse and more
  • Preschool

Support for physical wellbeing

Support for all children and young people

Support for mental wellbeing and mental health

Support for health conditions

Live well – local support

Supporting people and communities to live healthy and happier lives. We want to help people to understand how they can stay healthy and support them to look after themselves

Support for mental wellbeing and mental health

Support for physical wellbeing

Support for reducing risk factors

Reducing the risk of certain health conditions

Reducing the risk of cancer

Age well – local support

Staying healthy and independent for longer. People often require more support as they move through life and their health and care needs become more complex


Support for improving wellbeing

Support for reducing health risks

Support for long term conditions

Support to remain independent

Enabling people to die well

  • End of life – includes planning for the future and lasting power of attorney, potentially decades before death

Improving quality and access – local support

Accessing the right care in the best place. Our final strategic priority focuses on services for people at every stage in life – both improving these services and making sure that everyone, irrespective of their personal characteristics or their personal circumstances, can access the support they need at the right time.

 Ensuring people understand the alternative options to care and support in their community

Bucks Health Hub provides

  • A holistic picture of health not just single medical conditions integrating health promotion and disease prevention, mental and physical health, and socioeconomic aspects. This includes holistic support for health inequalities: A Healthier Life and long term condition support for Adults and Children
  • More than 500 self-referrals to local and national services.
  • Local and national information integrated together (NHS accredited information including the NHS website, patient info and NICE and more), providing local support with good national information to support choice.
  • Help with navigating local services: NHS, private and voluntary services, just a few examples include hospital, NHS community services, Pharmacistdentist, Optician , carers Support etc.

Reducing waiting times and involving patients with decision making about their care

  • hospital – empowering patients to identify where there are shorter waits for services and choose appropriately (see section “referrals and making an appointment”)
  • hospital – empowering patients to be involved in decisions about their care (see section “ your appointment – outpatients”)

Enabling people of all ages to die well.

Preventing ill-health – key principles

Helping people stay well and independent, enjoying better health for longer.

Health promotion and disease prevention

Health promotion

Disease prevention

Tackling health inequalities – key principles

Seeking to improve the physical and mental health of those at risk of the poorest health. Making sure people can access health and care services, whatever their background.

tackling health inequalities

Local support and information for reducing health inequalities includes

  • A Healthier Life – A holistic and coordinated approach for improving all health inequalities

Bucks Health Hub includes local support for some population groups and risk factors which can on occasions lead to health inequalities

Population groups

Risk factors

Providing person centred care – key principles

Working together to provide help in a way that meets people’s needs and helps them to make informed decisions and be involved in their own health and care. 

Empowering patients

Local support and information on providing person centred care includes

  • Shared decision making – ensuring that individuals are supported to make decisions that are right for them.
  • Long term condition support Adults and Children – holistic support for long term conditions
  • Long term health conditions adults and children

Supporting local delivery – key principles

Plan and design support and services with local people and provide support as close as possible to where people live, learn and work.

improving services and involving patients

Improving communication and information for patients using Bucks Health Hub

  • Latest important news across local organisations – local and national news
  • Local health campaigns and health promotion – both on local news page and on every page on Bucks Health Hub (4 boxes at the bottom of every page includes local campaigns).
  • Have your say locally” – see section under council or see sections “Buckinghamshire news headlines” or “your opportunity to give your view on health care across Buckinghamshire” under local news
  • One place to look, one place to add information, making it easier for patients, saving practices time, and standardising support – Bucks Health Hub

Improving the join up between our services – key principles

Improve the way services work together to ensure people get support when they need it and residents have a better experience of health and care services.

Holistic support

Many health conditions require holistic support, so not just the support of one organisation. A few examples of joining organisations together for one condition or health topic to provide holistic support include

  • Anxiety and depression adults and children – see under “local support for specific issues or circumstances”
  • Long term condition support adults and children – holistic support for long term conditions
  • A healthier life – holistic support for health inequalities

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