Coming soon! Exciting information on Social Prescribing in your area….

Virtual Practice Brochure

Our organisation

Our teams and local support

Our facilities and local support

Opening hours

When we are open

What to do when we are closed

New patients

Joining our practice

After joining us, please tell us if you change any of your personal details such as your mobile number

Where to start if you need medical help

An overview of care

An online directory of self-help information covering Buckinghamshire with links to local and national services.

Our online support

How to book or cancel an appointment

Prescriptions, investigations and referrals

Practice and local processes for

Our support for patient groups

Age related patient groups

People who are more likely to have a poorer experience of care

People with health conditions

Support for good health for everyone

Our quality care checklists and local support

Information on various areas of care provided in a question and answer format

Feedback and practice improvement

Give us feedback

Your feedback

Help shape our practice

A better practice for everyone

Access to the surgery, improving performance, safety, and consultations

Our policies

Regulation and oversight

CQC oversight


News and vacancies

Our practice

Across Buckinghamshire and nationally

Contact us and local teams

Contacting the practice

Contacting community and hospital teams

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