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Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) provides a volunteer-run communications link between the health centre and the patient community
The Patient Participation Group was formed in November 2016 and is a group of volunteers seeking to support and enhance the services provided by the Practice. The PPG aims to contribute to quality improvement by encouraging co-operation, collaboration and consultation.
A key objective is to involve patients from a cross section of the practice population and to establish patient reference groups. How the group communicates with a wide cross section of the ractice population is a key issue. Apart from more conventional means of communication.
The PPG committee is elected once a year at the AGM in March and current memberships are displayed on the Practice notice board in the foyer. Our group meets regularly approximately every 4 -5 weeks
Activities include
What this is not
It is not a forum to discuss personal complaints but does welcome constructive criticism and ideas. Personal complaints should be dealt with through complaints process.
Who can join
All registered patients are welcome to join the PPG although, in the interests of effective decision making, membership of the core is limited to 12-15. Specialist sub-groups may be formed to deal with specific topics utilising individual skills and interests.
How often does the PPG meet
Our group meets regularly approximately every 4 -5 weeks
How to join – full participation
Our patient Participation Group is encouraging patients to give their views about how the Practice is performing. We would like our patients to be involved in shaping and improving the services we offer. Full participation involves attending PPG meetings and supporting the activities of the group.
If you are interested in joining our PPG please complete your details below using either the downloadable form or online form below.
For full involvement you can
Download and complete the form:
Complete and submit the online form:
Active Members
Our group meets every 6 months.
Ground Rules (Terms of Reference)
The PPG has a Constitution in place and can be viewed here:
You can contact us In the following ways:
By post:
Patient Participation Group
Southmead Surgery
Blackpond Lane
Farnham Common
By email:
[email protected]
We use feedback from patients to improve our service, including from the friends and family test and other patient surveys, see under
We share and discuss this information with our patient participation group and consider ways we can improve. For practice changes see under
A patient participation group can also influence wider consultations occurring in the local area which go beyond the practice. A collective opinion from a patient participation group can help influence local changes. You can also have your say individually.
There is an explanation and links to how you can give your view on present health services and future plans on health across Buckinghamshire, see under
There is detailed information on patient participation groups under