Coming soon! Exciting information on Social Prescribing in your area….

About the practice

The past, present and future of our practice

We are a practice of approximately 7,000 patients covering the areas of Farnham Common, Farnham Royal & Hedgerley.

Many of the doctors in the practice have at some time, worked in local hospitals before they joined our practice team. The team at Southmead comprises of doctors, practice nurses, district nurses, health visitors and other specialist staff. We all work together to offer the best medical services to our patients. We are also a training practice and usually have between 1 and 2 GP registrars working with us for periods of up to 12 months whilst they train to become a GP in their own right.

We will always seek to be at the forefront of primary care and also to provide services in the locality. Adult  Mental Health clinics are currently running at the practice.

Southmead will ensure it is equipped to deal with the increasing demand to provide quality care to our patients.

Our Primary Care Network

We work with a number of local practices to improve the support we give local patients. We explain this further under

The practice catchment area

We can only register patients who live in our catchment area. You can confirm if you live within our boundary:

To register with the surgery, see under

You can get directions to the surgery, search for nearby pharmacists including those that are open (search using “open pharmacists”).

Training practice

We are accredited as a Training Practice for GP Specialty Trainees. When you are offered an appointment, this may be with one of our GP trainees. Our GP trainees occasionally video their consultations for learning purposes. They will always ask your permission in the consultation, but if you object to your consultation being recorded, you can also let us know when booking an appointment. This is explained in more detail below.

Southmead surgery is a training practice for young Doctors who want to make their careers in general practice. This means that the practice has to achieve high standards and be regularly inspected to ensure that those standards are maintained. By achieving “training” status the practice is able to train young fully qualified Doctors (GP Registrars), who come to us with an experienced hospital background, prior to becoming GP principals in their own right.

Our GP trainees are fully supervised by our GP trainers. Dr Laura Weidner and Dr Sarah Crick are our current GP Trainers.

Our present GP trainee(s) are included under our

We have much more detailed information about GP training under

As part of their ongoing training and qualification the GP Registrars are required to present some video consultations to the Royal College of General Practitioners. Our GP trainees also occasionally video their consultations for learning purposes. Patients may be asked to allow their consultation to be videoed. This will only be done with the full, unequivocal consent of the patient concerned.

You will be informed at the time of checking-in that the consultation is requested to be videoed and you will be asked to sign a consent form to confirm your agreement at the appointment. You have the right to decline being videoed and this will not affect your consultation.

We will always ask your permission, but if you object to your consultation being recorded, you can also let us know when booking an appointment.

Practice brochure

To help you understand the practice better, including some important elements of our practice support, see under


Disabled bays
At the front and rear of the surgery, reserved car parking spaces for the disabled are marked.

Please use alternatives if using local facilities
Please note the surgery car park should only be used by patients who have an appointment at the surgery.

Disabled access

At the front and rear of the surgery, reserved car parking spaces for the disabled are marked. Wheelchair access to the building is via the front entrance. Patient services are provided at ground floor level. A disabled patients’ WC is provided.

Translation service

A local translation (interpreting) service is available free of charge for patients using GP and NHS hospital services in England. This also includes interpreting for people who are deaf or deaf/blind. A member of our reception team can arrange an interpreter for a consultation in the practice. For any hospital appointment contact the hospital department dealing with your treatment or appointment and they will arrange an interpreter.

Please let us know if you need interpreting help as soon as possible to make sure we can have an interpreter in place for your consultation at the practice (ideally this should be when you make the appointment at the practice).

We do not allow children to act as interpreters during any treatments or appointments at the practice.

Practice forms and registration

You can find our practice forms under

Practice policies

You can find our practice policies under

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