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There are different explanations on the NHS opt out choice for sharing your data for research and planning purposes in the NHS which we include below. All explain the advantages to all patients of sharing your data. If you are happy to share your data you need, take no further action, if you wish to opt out of sharing your data this is explained in the articles below.
From NHS Choices
Overview – Choose if data from your health records is shared for research and planning Overview – Choose if data from your health records is shared for research and planning – NHS
As NHS suggests
“The data in your health record can be used to improve your individual care, speed up diagnosis, plan your local services and research new treatments.”
Your data is usually annonymised (wherever possible, information is removed so that you cannot be identified.) when it is used. Sharing your health records – NHS
From NHS choices
Sharing your health records Sharing your health records – NHS
From NHS Digital
Include more detail on the benefits of sharing your data for the NHS
If you do not want to share your record for this purpose then you can opt-out. How to do this is explained by NHS choices
From NHS choices