Coming soon! Exciting information on Social Prescribing in your area….

Local Community and Patient Participation Group

Local community

The local community plays an important part in providing support for our patients and more on this can be found under

Your patient participation group (PPG)

Your Patient Participation Group provides a volunteer-run communications link between the health centre and the patient community to improve provision for our patients and to promote health and wellbeing in the community. More information and how to get involved can be found under

Practice PPG and community news

Request for Patient Participation Group volunteers
Southmead surgery has been very fortunate to have had an excellent Patient Participation Group (PPG) prior to Covid and they were extremely supportive during the mass vaccination programme. We believe it is time to resurrect our PPG and for us to work together for the betterment of our community. Southmead offered 32,000 appointments in 2019 and in 2022 offered 39,000 appointments and yet we remain unable to meet the demand.
We are looking for 10-12 volunteers to attend on the second Tuesday of the month between 6.30-7.45pm. To represent our community, we are looking for 2 people from each of the following CQC recognised categories:
  • Older people
  • People with long-term conditions such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes etc..
  • Families, children & young people
  • Working aged people, those recently retired and students
  • People living in vulnerable circumstances
  • People experiencing poor mental health (including those with dementia)

We need your help and so please put your name forward and together we can look to make things better. So, if you have the time, the inclination and the interest please email our practice manager Sue Hazell  ([email protected]) by May 30th and we look forward to seeing you. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday June 13th at Southmead Surgery.

Parish news

News from our local parish council and bucks wide health news can be found under

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